Wings of Destiny

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This is a wings of Fire fanfic, which I used to be really into. I made this about 2 years ago and this isn't half bad, besides the ending. The ending might be the most cringey thing I've ever written. 

"Someone has been attacking the Rainwing Royals!" A Jade mountain student blurted.

"The main thing we need to know is if the Rainwings have had any enemies because Princess Eclipse REFUSES to tell us, not that she knows. If anyone knows anything please tell us." Tsunami boomed over the whispers and comments from the students, Rainwings and Nightwings alike. Tsunami shot a glare at me as I walked through the crowd. I shot a small look back at her. Nothing too big, I didn't want to cause an even bigger scene than it already was.

"We are doing everything in our power to find and stop the attacker!" I called over the whispers. "We know whoever it is has amazing strength. My parents and sister are unconscious and have many broken bones."

"Are you truly safe, Princess Eclipse?" A Rainwing burst out.

"Well, considering my you-know-what and 15 or more Rainwing and Nightwing guards tracking my every move, no thanks to Tsunami, I think I'm pretty safe." I replied, shooting a glare at Tsunami. She glared right back at me.

"The whole point of guards is invisibility, not letting the entire world know and secret." Tsunami whispered bossily when I got up to her.

"Well, I don't need them, so get them off my tail!" I snapped back. "You know perfectly well that I can take care of myself, just like Mom!"

"And look where your parents have ended up, all because they thought they could take care of themselves. I don't want anyone else to get hurt, alright? Do this for the kingdoms. Do this for us." Tsunami's voice went surprisingly soft and caring. She looked me in the eye.

"I will." I whispered. "Now I'm going to get out of here and check on Mom and Dad. By the way Mom's doing better, Dad's getting worse and Diamond is almost awake." I bounded away from the questions and judgment. I was so happy to finally have peace and quiet, except for the normal Rainforest sounds, the sound of dragons leaping from tree to tree and occasionally the sound of wing beats in the distance.

"Who would attack Mom and Dad? But why would they also attack Diamond? She's never made anyone mad or have a grudge against her. So who has a hatred for my entire family? I know I've made plenty of dragons mad. But all the dragons Mom or Dad made mad, all died. WHO attacked my family!" I thought bitterly. "When we figure out who attacked my family, I will personally throw them in a volcano and rip his/her wings and head off!" I let out a loud, angry, internal scream.

The leaves behind me rustled. I turned around, teeth bared. Growling, I walked over to the leaves. A little pair of eyes looked out of the bushes.

"Moon?" I exclaimed as a black dragonet jumped out from the bushes. "I-I need to go!" I turned around and flew off into the night.

"What did she hear in my head? Why did I happen to walk into one of the two only mind readers in this jungle?" I screamed internally to myself. I soared down to the royal hut and landed with a soft thunk. I barely walked a foot into the hut, when someone lit a candle and I saw 5 faces. Black, rainbow, tan, shiny blue/white and a seaweed green face full of scales pered at me. "Hey! Can I go in and see my parents in my own kingdom?" I asked sarcastically, not in the mood for Moon to hear my angry thoughts or Qubli to crack some jokes about my parents' injuries.

" Maybe- in a minute." Qubli said.

"And why can't I see them right now?" I snapped at him. "Look, I'm not in the mood to see any of you right now, alright? " I shot a look at Moon and Quibli. " So can I go please? Or should I go back to the jungle where I can hear my own thoughts and myself only?"

" Sit," Moon said. I sat against my will. "We wanted to talk to you about the attack." I got up and opened my wings, already shaking my head.

"No, no, no ,no" I almost yelled, raising my voice as I said each word. "NOPE!" I flew away into the night. After about 10 minutes or so of flying over the rainforest, I finally found the only spot I wanted to be.

There was this amazing waterfall between the Rainwing village and the Nightwing village. At that waterfall there was an island in the middle of the water that had a giant boulder and a huge weeping willow tree. A bunch of fireflies like to hang out there and I love to sit there when I need to think. This was also where I met my best friend, Lilly, a Nightwing that is both a mind reader and a seer. I don't mind Lilly hearing my thoughts, I guess it's worse for her than it is for me if she hears my thoughts, especially when I'm really mad or upset. That's why when I come, I come a little before midnight, so I can clear my head and not have her hear all those angry thoughts the day puts in my head. If I can't calm myself down before she shows up, then she normally cracks a joke or two and I forget all about what happened that day. We always meet at midnight. Her parents disapprove of my mother and father ruling the nightwings. Her parents hate me, partially because I flew into their garden and ruined all they're plants when I was 2. Someone flys over my head. I look up and see a black dragon with silver teardrop scales next to her eyes swapping down next to me.

"Lilly!," I exclaimed. ""How are you? How's your little brother?"

"Good, but I want to talk about you." Lilly replied. "How are you feeling? Angry? Upset."

"More like wanting to kill everyone who hurt my family?" I replied simply.

"Ok well let's not do that tonight. You have a royal reputation to uphold and remember." Lilly said. "But let's just think about us for a little while. How's your boyfriend?" She giggles. "How's he and you going?"

"Uhh-" I started but my reply was cut off by the loud sound of bushes moving around. "Uh oh."

"There's another nightwing mind reader." Lilly said with a far away look on her face. " And a sandwing, a rainwing, an icewing and a seawing. They're from Jade Mountain. And why are they looking for you... and why do they think they can save the day just by knowing the facts.. Again?"

"Hide, before they see us! I really don't want to see them tonight. They won't LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted that last bit to the jungle in the direction of the moving bushes. I answered her as we heard voices drawing nearer.

"Please Lilly... can't you block her or tell her to go away pls?" I said. "I just want to be with you tonight before I go murdering the entire Jade Winglet because they won't leave me alone."

Silence followed as her reply. I start to hum, she normally comes back to the world when i hum. She shakes her head and nods toward the voices.

"Don't go over there Lilly." I whisper and she keeps going till she disappears into the undergrowth. Cursing under my breath I follow her. I start to get into ear shot and can hear Lily's voice. She's saying something about me killing everyone, something about me needing to relax.. And then something about her wanting to spend time with me since she doesn't ever get to. I emerge from the bushes and walk into a very relaxed scene that gets very intense the longer I'm there. "Lilly, are you done talking yet? I feel like killing some fish, maybe a toucan or two and I really don't want to do it alone."

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the beach in a couple of minutes." She replies. I start humming a song my family has sung for a long time. " Wait, Eclipse." I turn around and face her.

"Yes Lilly?"

"Where did you learn that song?'

"It's been sung in my family for ages. Why?" I look up and see there is a full moon that is heading up the sky as midnight creeps up.''Actually i have to go.. It's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow Lilly and only Lilly." I fly off into the jungle just as the change happens. With a great bang and a bright flash, I'm no longer a dragon but a werewolf. I stretch and pop my fingers.

"Time to hunt and be a human again I guess." I think to myself sorta quietly, not sure whether Moon could still hear my thoughts or not. "Or I could go to the beach like me and Lilly had planned, she always goes when there's a full moon. She always goes there with me." I start walking when I hear a noise and a howl. Lilly walks out of the trees looking sassy as always. 

Tell me if you want me to rewrite this and possibly make it into a book!

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