Episode Six: Recommendations and Conflicted Emotions

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Episode Six: Recommendations and Conflicted Emotions


Truthfully, Kyoko shouldn’t have been that surprised by it. She knew it would come someday, it just the seemed so fast. Either way, it was here and she felt confident in her students’ abilities. They would trudge through the exams with confidence and determination, she fully believes that. 

After seeing the bird, she told her remaining students that they could take a break. Upon arrival at the Hokage office, Kyoko realized she was the only one here. Or rather, she was the first one.

The Third Hokage casually looked up from his work. A smoke pipe in his mouth and his hat shading his face, but didn't hide the grin he had upon seeing her.

“Kyoko, I’m not surprised you would be the first,” he said. 

Kyoko gave a grin. “Can't blame me when the others are slow.” 

The Hokage chuckled. Seconds later, the rest of the jounins arrived. Kyoko gave a nod to all of them, and they did the same in return. As they prepared for the Hokage to speak, Kyoko took a moment to observe the other jounins. It’s often not lost on her that she was the oldest of the top ranking ninjas. At least, the oldest that is still on the field. Everyone here are basically her juniors, and it brought feelings that she did not want to dive into right now. 

“Judging from your expressions, many of you know what I’m talking about,” The Hokage started. 

“So the time has already come.” Kakashi said. 

“The other Lands have been notified, right?” Asuma asked. “I’ve seen them here and there in the village.” 

“So, when will it be?” asked Kurenai. 

The Hokage paused. “In a week.” 

There was a flicker of surprise from Kakashi’s bored face. “That’s sudden.” 

The Hokage inhaled from his pipe, before letting it out through his mouth. Kyoko tried not to scrunch her nose at the sight and smell. From the corner of her eye, she saw Asuma do the same. Like father, like son. 

“I will now make the formal announcement,” said the Hokage. “Seven days from today, on the first day of July, the Chunin Exams will begin!” 

All questions, inquiries and objections were ceased after that statement. Kyoko agreed with Kakashi that it was very sudden, but she knew she could prepare her students within that time frame. They were ready, but it wouldn’t hurt to still train them. The Chunin Exams aren’t only going to be children, there are adults who will be there as well, and all would differ in skills and power. And one wouldn’t know how much until they see or engage them in battle. 

“Now then, in conjunction with beginning the Chunin Exams,” Lord Third continued. “Let us first have those in charge of the new genins step forward.” 

Kyoko, Asuma, Kurenai and Kakashi stepped forward. 

“Kyoko, Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma,” Lord Third called. “So? Are there any genins from your squads you wish to recommend for these exams? It goes without saying, but if it's a genin who has carried eight or nine formal missions, they are applicable for the exams. 

“Well, common sense dictates that having carried out more than twice the amount is appropriate,” The Hokage finished. “Well, Kakashi you go first.” 

Nodding, Kakashi raised his right index and middle finger together, closer to his mouth. “Kakashi’s Team 7: Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto and…” he paused. 

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