The unicorn and the talent show

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A/N: I am really sorry for the wait. I just didn't have any ideas. But, hopefully I can get back into my writing mind.

I was in my room with Hope.

Hades teleported us back.

Currently, I was on the bed with Hope.

"You know, the talent show is coming up." She tells me.

"Really? Do you participate?" I ask.

She scoffs. "What do you think?"

I playfully think. "I'm not sure, it could be anything." I joke.

She hits my shoulder. "Shut up. I think the talent show is stupid." She then grows a mischievous grin. She straddles my lap. "I have an idea." She softly grinds against me.

"I don't know what it is, but I like it." I say while placing my hands onto her hips.

She leans into my ear, and whispers. "You should join the talent show."


"What? You just said it was stupid."

"Because I never had anyone worth while to see." She puts her hands on my shoulders. "Come on, you could sing, or at least play the guitar or whatever."

I chuckle. "I don't think so."

She grins. "Why not?"

"Well, I don't like to sing."

"What are you talking about?"

"I do not sing." I give her a look. "I might say lyrics in a musical tone, but I don't sing."

"That is the definition of singing." She says while laughing.

"Listen Hope, if I were ever to do the talent show, I'd only play an instrument."

She chuckles. "What if your dad came to watch you, and he wanted you to sing?"

I scoff. "Then he'll be disappointed. Maybe I'd play the lyre for him."

"The what?" She says confused.

"Lyre, it is a Greek instrument." I say in a matter of a fact tone.

She lays on top of me, nuzzling into my chest. I give her a few head pats, and I stroke her hair.

I decide to tease her. "Aww, you're such a cute little puppy." I say smirking.

She hits my shoulder and pouts. "I'm not a puppy!"

"You are to me. And you're such a good girl." I say teasingly.

She buries her face into my chest, embarrassed. "Shut up."

I chuckle and stroke her hair.

Unfortunately, there is a knock at the door.

"Y/N! Hope! Either of you up?" It was Alaric's voice from the other side.

I sigh. "Yeah, we're up."

"The trap caught something, we need you both. Quickly, please." Then we hear him walk away.

I hear Hope whine. "We have to?"

"Mhm. Believe me, I don't want to, but we need to."

"Fine." She reluctantly gets off of me and helps me up. "But after, we are cuddling."

I nod. "Fine by me."


Hope and I were now walking through the woods with Ric and Dorian, to get to the trap.

Seeing love (Hope Mikaelson x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now