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-Hope POV-

"I need to find Y/N." Hope thought to herself.

She was in the woods, looking for Y/N or any signs of him. She didn't care if he said 'I'll be back.' She needed to find him.

She was so worried she barely seen the ripped clothes on the ground. "He shifted." She picked up the clothes and thought to herself. "I can track him by smell... if I turn into a wolf."

So she did. She stripped and put her clothes in the bag she brought and shifted. She was now a wolf. She used her mouth to carry a strap of the bag and she followed the scent of Y/N.

After a while she knew she was close. It also helped that she seen a fox. It was a black fox with 7 tails, and golden eyes. Both eyes just like Y/N's one yellow eye.

The fox stared at the wolf. Both creatures could smell the scent of their mate.

They both slowly walked forward. With the wolf dropping the bag. They got close and sniffed each other.

They found each other again.

The fox and the wolf stopped being on guard and rubbed against each other in an affectionate greeting. The animals's tails were wagging back and forth. The wolf playfully pounced onto the fox.

The two animals played for a few hours, until they took a nap together, curled into a ball together. The fox's tails acted like a blanket for the wolf. And the wolf's body was a pillow for the fox.



When Y/N woke up, he remembered everything. From when he shifted to seeing Hope as a wolf to playing with the wolf until sleep kicked in.

Then he realized, him and Hope both were shifted. And when shifters turn back to human... they're not clothed... and both Y/N and Hope were back in human form. Oh damn.

He couldn't help himself and he took a peek at Hope in all her glory. He immediately looked away. He couldn't look at her like this.

Next thing he knows, he gets pulled down into Hope. She was barely awake and wanted him close to her, and the position was... very revealing. Probably revealing because his head got pulled into her chest. He could barely contain himself.

"Hope." I said softly. She just made a small noise.

"What?" She said sleepily.

"We're... uh- you- you know..." He has trouble finding the right words. "We um- remember we shifted... and turned back to human... in naked form?" That was the best he could come up with.

That got the tribrid's attention and she sat upright immediately and seen they were against each other and they were very nude.

"Oh- uh- bag, bag!" She was a blushing mess. But she pointed to the bag she had earlier.

She grabs it and Y/N puts his hand over his eyes because he knew he wouldn't have been able to look away.

Hope however couldn't help but take a slight peek at Y/N. It's definitely safe to say she wasn't disappointed.

"H-here." She tossed him some of his clothes she grabbed from his room.

He gladly took them and the two changed separately... but they did sneak a few more glances at each other.

Once they were dressed they could barely look at each other... well not quite. They could barely look at each other in the eyes, their sight always went lower, checking each other out.

Seeing love (Hope Mikaelson x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now