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ZhangHao looked happy with the bouquet in his hand. Yes, Sung Hanbin bought it. ZhangHao seemed attracted to the flower shop as they walked around town. Hanbin didn't wait long, as he pulled ZhangHao's hand into the flower shop.

"You don't have to buy them for me! I'm just looking around, they're all beautiful and attractive" said ZhangHao, trying to stop Hanbin from spending money on him. But his eyes still glanced at the flowers around.

Bruh, he is RICH.

"You said you like flowers, right? So why not.." Hanbin replied, then continued his communication with one of the workers at the flower shop to process the order.

ZhangHao frowned, "When did I tell you that I like flowers?"

Hanbin covered his mouth, startle. How can he miss it?!

"Ahh.. No! I saw you were looking at this shop earlier, it's like you don't want to go anywhere else! And ah... You must really like flowers! R-right?" The effect of cold sweat on the forehead is clearly felt. Hanbin bit his lip, pounding.

Does that make sense?

"Still! I really like flowers, but you don't have to buy everything just because I like it! It's a waste, you can't do that" ZhangHao whined while pouting his mouth.

Phew! Hanbin survived.

Hanbin smiled before holding both of ZhangHao's shoulders. "I told you, didn't I? Today is your day, you can do and ask for anything, I will fulfill it"


"Excuse me, Sir. The flowers you ordered, are ready!" Said one of the workers handling Hanbin and ZhangHao's orders.

ZhangHao's eyes lit up when he saw the result of the flowers. "Thank you so much! It's beautiful!"

"You should pay them more!" He pinched Hanbin's shoulder. The employee just smiled.

"I will pay with the card"

ZhangHao walked out of the shop with an endless smile on his lips, and Hanbin was satisfied with the result.

"So, where are we going next?" ZhangHao asked after getting into the car.

"You'll see" Hanbin answered, there must have been something in his head.

ZhangHao on the other hand was already excited, with shining eyes, "make sure it's something exciting"

While enjoying the relaxing ride, Hanbin played a song, and it head up to catch ZhangHao attention. Yet, it's a song with a violin's cover.

"Oh! I like it! What's the name of the song?" Zhang Hao's question.

"Here I Am. Isn't it nice? There is an artist who plays it with the violin, and I like the version he plays" explained Hanbin.

"I see. Actually, I miss playing the violin again.." said ZhangHao, with his sullen face and Hanbin saw it.

Wait! What with that face?

"Hey.. You used to be a violin teacher, right? So just play at home. It's not that there's anything wrong if you want to play the violin, and everyone in the house loves music anyway" said Hanbin, trying to convince the Chinese man.

"No, I can't"

Hanbin went silent. Why? What happened?

"I sold it before I moved into your house"


So that's the answer. ZhangHao has sold his violin. That's why Hanbin never saw ZhangHao play it anymore. Hanbin has been in and out of ZhangHao's room several times, but Hanbin has never seen a single violin there.

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