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Hanbin look at the face of the man beside him for a little more time. "So, you are really him" Hanbin said with a smile. His eyes are glassy. He really misses that man. His hand goes to caress ZhangHao's cheeks softly.

Another flashback.

Hanbin felt unwell that morning. He  decided to not taking any classes for that day. He was too lazy to go downstairs and get his breakfast done.

He'd told Matthew that he wouldn't go to college together, when Matthew came to wake him up just now.

Matthew understood.

He could hear Ricky and Gyuvin arguing downstairs. Also the voice of the youngest's complaint for not being woken up by the brothers.

Not long after that, the atmosphere returned to silence. Surely they all have gone to work and college.

Hanbin woke up from his nap. He looked at the clock on the right side of the bed, it was almost 12 at noon.

His head felt heavy. Cold sweat has started to form on his forehead. Hanbin got up from his laying position and tried to walk to the door of the room. He wanted to go downstairs and drink a glass of water.

But the more step he moved, the heavier he felt. Before having time to reach the doorknob, Hanbin collapsed on the floor.

Not long after that, Hanbin only heard someone enter his bedroom. His eyes remained closed. His strength is quite thin, he even can't lift his eyelids.

"Stay" but he's strong enough to reach that person's arm.

Hanbin knew the person was saying something, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

"Do whatever you want, but please stay here"

He knew that the person is ready to help him. So, do whatever. Just don't leave him alone.

He could feel the person wiping his entire body. Every touch felt so gentle. Hanbin likes it.

Hanbin also could feel himself being fed. He also likes the taste of the food that goes through in his mouth.

He wanted to see that person's face so badly. But he chose to keep his eyes closed. Loves to enjoy the moment of the silence and peace.

Everything feels cozy and comfortable. He will definitely thank that person later.

But in his mind, that person must be Matthew. Because of the eight of them, only Matthew seems likely in treating and caring for sick people.

Hanbin fell asleep again.

The clock showed now almost 4 pm. Hanbin opened his eyes, he felt so fresh. He stretched and yawned.

That was a good nap!

Hanbin tried to get up, but his hand felt like it was clinging to someone's hand.

Hanbin turned to the left side of his bed.

It looks like a man is sleeping soundly while clutching his arm. Hanbin was shocked and gaps. That's not Matthew.


Hanbin brushed it off roughly, and shouted "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! WAKE UP NOW AND GET YOU ASS OUT OF MY ROOM!!"

Hanbin saw the man frantically get up and run out.

The same night, in the living room.

"So..-" Hanbin cut Jiwoong off.

"So you want to tell me that he is our maid, and he CAN enter our room as HE PLEASES, hyung?" Hanbin crossed his arms.

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