The krakken

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Y/n: [Announcer voice] Jen tennyson is about to attempt the ultimate cannonball.

Jen: Canonball!

She jumps into the lake.

Y/n: [Announcer voice] Perfect 10

Jen: the crowd loves her [ crowd screaming noise]

Gwen: A perfect dweeb is more like it.

Y/n: why does every word that comes out of your mouth have to be an insult?

Jen: come on Y/n, jump in the water's fine.

Y/n nervously stares at the water.

Gwen: What's wrong Y/n are you scared.

Y/n: W-what no, I'm going to bed

Y/n quickly ran into the rustbucket leaving the two girls alone.

Jen: nice going dweeb.

Gwen: Hey, it's not my fault He's afraid of water

Jen: why down you jump in.

Gwen: Please who knows what kind of  nasty slimy things are in there.

Gwen shines her flashlight on jen.

Gwen: I rest my case.

Jen: What's the point of camping if you're afraid to get wet?

Jen then splashes Gwen

Gwen: knock it off midget!

Jen gets a Mischievous smile and goes under water and emerged as four arms covered in seaweed.

Gwen: Ahhh!!

Fourarms: You should have seen your face

Gwen: Your so busted when I tell grandpa.

Gwen walks of as Jen chuckles.

Four arms: I can't believe she fell for it. A monster in the lake? how dumb can you be.

All of a sudden something rises from the water it towers over Jen and drags her underwater seconds later she emerged and runs towards the rustbucket and opened it.

Fourarms: I was just attacked by a giant lake monster!

Gwen throws a pillow at her.

Gwen: Hello dweeb? You already got me with that one.

Fourarms: but I'm not kidding.

Max: ok Jen jokes over.

Fourarms: You believe me right Y/n?

Y/n: of course I do, but as long as we stay on land we'll be fine.

Fourarms: but-

Max: Just get some sleep remember we have to get up early tomorrow for our fishing trip.

In the morning at the docks

Jen: I'm telling you, it was humongous With these red glowing eyes.

Max: Probably just some big fish

Gwen: Yeah, so give the mega fish story a rest.

Jen then looks at the bucket of worms and holds some in front of Gwen.

Jen: Breakfast.

Gwen: Oh, Jen, gross. What's with the bucket of slimies?

Max: Bait.

Gwen: I think i'm going to pass on the whole fishing thing. I'll just stay here and catch some sun instead

Y/n: I'm with gwen on this one see you guys later

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