chapter twenty-nine<3

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lilys pov<3

i woke up, tom still sleeping next to me.

today was our last day here, and i was sad, but i was excited to go back home. i missed our stupid dates and it just being us two.

i stayed lying for a little while before tommys alarm went off, scaring the shit out of me.

"morning!" i said, watching as he rolled over to turn his alarm off.

"good morning. i see your not hungover?"

"nope, feel fine!" i said, smiling.

"what are we doing today?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"beach, then home"

"fuck yeah, finally. cant wait to get back to my actual bed." he said, sitting up.

i laughed and checked my phone, seeing that tubbo has posted something. i opened twitter to see a photo of me and tommy from last nights stream. it was a cute photo, but i dont remember it being taken.

look at these bastards.


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most annoying couple ever


why does she look like that lmao

i laughed at all the comments, (except dreams) and turned off my phone. me and tom got ready, and started packing our things.

we headed downstairs and was greeted by everyone else, who were still waking up.

"morning guys!" i said, trying to lighten the mood.

"sup" alex said.

"what time we leaving clay?" i asked, turning to clay.

"as soon as possible, but we have to be out by eleven so make sure your ready to go." he replied, still looking at his phone.

i nodded, looking down at my phone to see it was nine, before turning to tommy, "im going to double check everything is packed."

i ran up the stairs and started checking everywhere that i had everything packed, and once i was sure i had, i sat down on the balcony chair.

the view was nice, and the cool morning air was refreshing.

i had my headphones in, reading a book.

i listened to the lyrics as i flipped the page, humming along.

i couldnt hear a thing going on around me, so when tommy tapped me on the shoulder i got a bit of a fright.

"jesus fuck you scared me!" i said, holding a hand against my chest.

"sorry" he laughed, barely breathing. "anyways ive just finished packing and we are leaving in ten so i thought i would come and double check you were ready."

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