Part 3: Echo from the Past

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Ava's first major assignment was both thrilling and daunting: to clone a dodo, a species extinct for centuries. She named the clone Echo, seeing it as a voice from the past reaching out through the ages. In the lab, Ava's hands were steady as she meticulously followed the genetic blueprint derived from fragmented DNA. The process was delicate, and she felt a profound responsibility for every action she took.

As Echo developed in its artificial womb, Ava spent hours researching the dodo's history. She presented her findings to the team, describing a creature that had lived without threats until human activity led to its swift extinction. When Echo finally hatched, its first squawk was a sound unheard for generations. Ava felt a deep connection to the bird, but as she watched it awkwardly stumble around its confined habitat, she questioned the morality of their actions. Could they truly bring back something lost, or were they merely conjuring shadows of the past?

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