Part 2: The Ethics of Revival

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During her first week, Ava was thrown into the intellectual deep end—a roundtable discussion among the dome's senior scientists and ethicists. The atmosphere was electric, charged with passionate debates over the morality and implications of de-extinction. Dr. Morgan spearheaded the discussion, advocating their duty to restore what humanity had recklessly destroyed. He saw their work as a form of redemption, a way to atone for past sins.

Ava, seated at the back, scribbled fervently in her journal, her mind buzzing with thoughts. Could they truly restore ecosystems, or were they merely creating convincing copies? Her ponderings were interrupted by Dr. Helen Chu, an elder scientist whose skeptical voice cut through the noise. "We might be creating more than just animals," Dr. Chu cautioned, her wise eyes scanning the room. "We might be creating ecological anomalies." These words struck a chord with Ava, layering her initial excitement with a complex web of ethical concerns.

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