Part 1: Genesis Dome

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Ava Linwood's heart raced as the massive doors to the Genesis Dome slid open with a hiss. Before her lay a sprawling sanctuary teeming with vibrant life, a stark contrast to the barren, gray world outside. Stepping onto the lush, soft grass, she felt the warmth of artificial sunlight on her face—an eerie reminder of the sun that no longer shone outside. The dome, a colossal amalgam of glass and steel, was home to meticulously crafted ecosystems that replicated Earth's lost environments.

Fresh from her graduation in genetic engineering, Ava was awed by the dome's scale and the complexity of its biomes. As she walked further in, she was greeted by Dr. Eli Morgan, the project's charismatic director. A pioneer in genetic revival techniques, Dr. Morgan had an infectious enthusiasm tempered by a sense of pressing urgency. "Ava, your work here will redefine conservation," he proclaimed with a firm pat on her back. He guided her through the artificial biomes—lush rainforests, arid deserts, sprawling savannahs—all humming under one roof.

As a butterfly fluttered past her, Ava admired the delicate detail of its wings. Yet, amidst the wonder, a nagging question lingered in her mind: Was this splendor merely an illusion, a facade masking the dire truth of their world?

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