13 | the princess and the dog

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Interstate 64, Kentucky, 3 November 2010

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Interstate 64, Kentucky, 3 November 2010

"How do you plan on getting the mutt to the car then?" Kol asked bitterly. "Because I am not helping you," he said determinedly, like he hadn't just caved in to her demands about bringing the dog with them. If anyone asked, Kol would claim he caved just to not suffer her crying when he'd be stuck in a car with her for hours; not because he was filled with this weird feeling when he saw tears gathering in her pretty blue eyes.

"I know a spell that will put him to sleep for a few hours," Anastasia said thoughtfully. While she wished there was another way, this animal had clearly been mistreated; forcing him into a car with two human-like beings would likely only cause the dog a lot of stress. "And carry him to the car. It's getting late anyway, so we should probably find a place to stay for the night."

"Good luck," Kol said, crossing his arms as he watched her impatiently, showing her that he had no intention of helping her.

"Thank you," Anastasia said sarcastically. Crouching down again, Anastasia held out her hand for the dog to see she meant no harm; all the progress she made earlier had been wrecked by Kol's sudden appearance.

"You might want to hurry up," Kol said drily. "If you haven't noticed — it's raining."

"We both look like we have just taken a spontaneous bath with our clothes on," Anastasia rolled her eyes, motioning to their equally drenched clothes. "So we might as well enjoy the lovely autumn rain. Now shut up."

Turning her attention back to the dog, Anastasia held out her hand again and muttered the incarnation for a sleeping spell. With humans it would require a bit more patience and time — and with vampires a lot more magic — but soon the animal's eyes closed and his head dropped down to rest atop his large front paws.

"Step one — completed," Anastasia announced happily, walking over to the sleeping dog. "Now step two..." she silently contemplated the best way to lift him up. She could use a levitation spell but unfortunately there were humans around the parking lot, not to mention that she could feel her magic slowly slipping away. Whereas siphoning from the entire Bennett bloodline definitely had given her a lot of magic to use, Anastasia could not 'save' it forever, meaning that every new spell required more effort and power.

A good thing about Kol was that the corgi was small enough for her to simply pick up and carry — and due to Kol's laziness she often had to carry him. While the Rottweiler wasn't fully grown — probably around six to eight months by her estimation— she doubted she could carry its dead weight back to the car.

Deciding to at least try it out, Anastasia first lifted the dog out from his hiding place underneath the fallen tree trunk. By the time she managed to move the sleeping dog one metre, Anastasia was possibly exhausted. "Step one and a half — completed," she pretended to stretch, ignoring how the cold rain soaking her clothes was starting to affect her.

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