03 | dangerous liaisons (part I)

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Mystic Falls, Virginia, 21 October 2010

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Mystic Falls, Virginia, 21 October 2010

"I hate your brother."

Those were the first words out of Anastasia's mouth when she woke up a while later, after Niklaus had carried her up to his room. A dull ache in her neck was the only evidence of the reckless Orginal's doing.

Niklaus chuckled, "Most people do, love." He brushed a piece of her strawberry blonde hair away from her face with a tenderness no one believed him capable of. "How are you feeling?"

"Like a psychotic Original vampire just tried to eat me," Anastasia snorted. That was not how she expected meeting Nik's family would go despite knowing how dangerous they were. "What happened after I passed out?"

"A lot of screaming, I tried to kill Kol and then my mother came back from the dead-"

"WHAT?!" Anastasia exclaimed, sitting up in bed too fast which made her head spin. "Esther, your mother? The witch that created vampires and laid the curse on you, your mother? The one whose heart you ripped out?"

"Yes, all of the above," Nik chuckled. But he was clearly trying to cover up the shock and every other emotion he was feeling in relation to his mother's return. "Apparently she is back to forgive me. She wants us to be a family again."

"Well, that's great," Anastasia said, although her tone wasn't very convincing. Now she was glad about the privacy spell she had cast over the room up on her entrance, otherwise every vampire in the house would be able to hear her. "But why?"

"Why what?" Nik asked.

"Why does she want to forgive you? From what I've heard, your mother isn't the most forgiving and loving person. She put a curse on you like it was your fault she had an affair," Anastasia pointed out. Perhaps it was her general distrust of people after her family had been betrayed and murdered, but she rarely trusted anyone other than Nik.

"Only time will tell what she truly wants," Niklaus laid down on the bed and placed his arm around her. "Although tomorrow she wants us to throw a ball."

"You are joking, right?" Anastasia all but begged. She did not like balls. They were boring and required her to behave perfectly. Not to mention that they brought back painful memories of a life long gone.

"Unfortunately not, love. But that's tomorrow's problem."

.•° ♛ °•.

Mystic Falls, Virginia, 22 October 2010

"Will you force me to apologise to him?" Anastasia asked from her wardrobe, knowing Nik was outside, waiting for her to finish so they could go downstairs together. He didn't really want her to face his family alone.

"To who?"

"To the Easter Bunny," Anastasia said sarcastically as she stepped back into the room to find the big bad hybrid laying on his back on her bed with corgi-Kol resting on top of his stomach. "For giving him all those aneurysms and momentarily paralysing him?"

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