07 | introduction to computer "science"

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Mystic Falls, Virginia, 25 October 2010

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Mystic Falls, Virginia, 25 October 2010

The next morning, Anastasia woke up at the crack of dawn – the downside of going to sleep by nine – and after spending an hour in bed reading, she was both too hungry and too restless to remain under her warm covers. When she left her room, now dressed in a pair of sweats and a hoodie that only reached her lower ribs, the entire house was dead silent.

Somehow her hunger disappeared now when she'd finally dragged herself out of bed. Without any appetite, but a sudden need for fresh air, Anastasia decided to visit the stables. Horseback riding was something Anastasia had done for as long as she could remember and often missed.

"Dobroye utro," Anastasia said, running her hand down the horse's neck, admiring the Pinto horse's black and white coat. With the Salvatores running around town, Nik would never let her go out for a ride in the forest on her own, meaning she'd have to convince him to come with her; unfortunately he didn't have much time for anything at the moment.

By the time Anastasia returned back into the mansion, Kol – the corgi – had woken up as well; the lazy little dog was never one for morning walks which meant he'd only moved from sleeping in her room to resting on the couch in the living room. Feeling hungry again now that she'd woken up properly, Anastasia ate a bowl of cereal – which meant she'd be hungry again in an hour or so – and even put the empty bowl in the dishwasher simply to make time go faster.

In utter boredom, Anastasia dropped down on the couch in the living room. Her legs were dangling over the edge of the back and her head hung over the edge giving her an upside down view of the room. Blood rushed to her head as she studied the floor. One would think that a hundred years of spending time alone would have improved her ability to come up with things to do on her own but for Anastasia it only got worse.

Some days, nothing could keep her occupied for more than a few minutes. She'd start reading a book only to zone out and stare blankly at the pages for ten minutes. Then she'd try to watch a movie only to get distracted by some unimportant fact which usually led to her spending the entire movie doing unnecessary research. Playing piano was calming but didn't require enough concentration to keep her occupied.

Days like this, she missed Maria. Of course, Anastasia missed her entire family but Maria had always been her constant companion growing up. Only two years Anastasia's senior, the two youngest Grand Duchesses had shared a room, spent most of their time together and even wore variations of the same dress. It was Maria that apologised whenever Anastasia tripped people or decided to cause havoc in the palace but she never tried to stop her younger sister, considering it a waste of energy.

Due to her growing misery caused by boredom, Anastasia actually became happy upon hearing the sarcastic voice of the youngest Original brother, "I didn't know the way you sit down on a couch changed so much during the past ninety years."

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