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Aiden? A voice asked. Aiden turned around, it was Ashlyn. Aiden just shrugged his shoulders, Ash climbed up onto the wall with him. It was really high, she was kinda scared but more concerned about Aiden.

Ashlyn- "what are you doin up here?"

Aiden- "couldn't sleep"

Ash "how come"

Aiden "idk guess im thinkin too much"

Ash- "wanna talk about it?"

It was weird for Ash, she's never really been the best with this kinda stuff considering she never really had friends before.

Aiden "I don't know i guess its just my dad being annoying"

Ash gestured him to carry on.

Aiden "just feels, idk, he gets angry at me over everything i do. He gets mad whenever somethin gets in the way of his work-like im in the way if his work."

There was an awkward silence between them. Ash noticed a tear roll down his face. she (very awkwardly) hugged him as he silently cried.

after a couple minutes aiden yawned and they realised they should fall asleep up here.

ash "we should probably head back to the bus"

aiden "yeah"

Ashlyn stood up gesturing her hand to help aiden up. he took it as she led them back to the bus however after a minute Aiden realised he was littery HOLDIN HER HANDD!? ASHLYN. THE PERSON HE WAS IN LOVE WITH.

Ashlyn realised he stopped and turned around to see what was going on.

Ash "why'd you stop?"

Aiden "oh nothin"

he said scratching the back of his neck looking down tryna hide the very visible red-ish pink tint covering his cheeks.

Ash noticed and smiled to herself 'lol hes cute' 'wait no ew hes annoying and loud and dorky and fun and cute' Shit. it was too late she had fallen (just like the ceiling) in love.


(word count:303)

so kinda short chapter but yeah
im thinkin of startin a one shots thing or sumthin idk . 🤷

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