Chapter sixteen- Old friends

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Y/n's POV

It has already been a week since Miss Olsens and I's little trip to New York. She has been acting odd to say the least, the morning after our flight back home she texted me to say, she didn't need any help and that I could have the rest of the week off, which is odd because we planned on going to get some essentials for when filming starts,knowing that she's going to be tired when the gets home from set. But I didn't let it bother me too much, as I later got a text from my friend Zara, who I used to have the same classes in college with.

Hey y/n, I'm in LA for the weekend to see my family, would you like to go out to a club this Friday night. Like old times? X

I can't help but smile at my phone. I haven't seen Zara since I left New York, when Florence and I broke up. She was always a party animal, and had such a positive energy, meaning she was like a magnet and I didn't want to leave her side. We quickly became best friends, but I sort of distanced myself when I could feel that Florence was getting jealous every-time I hung out with Zara. But as soon as I ran out of my apartment, she was the first person I called, and we have only gotten closer since college, despite the fact we now live in different cities. We face time often, but due to my busy schedule I have been slacking a bit.

Oh my god yes Zara!!! I can't wait to see you it's been so long🥹 we need to have a long catchup in person... but do we have to go out why can't we stay in? 🙏

I urge her to agree with me, because I am not in the mood for clubbing at the moment, ever since the Olsen twins after party and meeting Billie eilish while simultaneously making a fool of myself infront of her and my boss. But Zara being Zara, I already know what the response is going to be.

I'm not taking no for an answer y/n, I haven't seen you in like a year, we have to go clubbing like we used to do. And what better way to catch up then to dance and talk at the same time? I can't wait to see you, I'll meet you at yours at 9pm?

Okay love, I'll see you then, I'll send you my adress x

I reply and throw my phone onto my bed, and sigh rubbing my hands over my eyes. Looking at my watch I see that it's already 1pm I need to buy an outfit for tomorrow nights occasion. I make a quick salad and have a Diet Coke before driving to my local mall/ shops, just about a 15 minutes drive from my apartment.

I look around about 5 different shops and there's nothing that is sticking out to me, I continue walking and realise what street I've ended up on. My feet have taken me to the boutique that I went In with Miss Olsen on my first day working with her. Deciding that it's worth a shot, I open the door and the bell above it goes off. I look to the side and see that Lily peeps up from her phone and she instantly smiles.

"Y/n hi! How are you darling, it's so good to see you. Are you not with Elizabeth today?" She gives a quick welcoming hug to which I return and reply "hey Lily, I'm great. And I'm not with Miss Olsen today. I'm actually looking for an outfit for myself today, would it be alright if you helped me?" She nods her head.
"Of course dear, what's the occasion and do you have anything in mind like a suit or a dress, or a bodysuit." Lily lists off.
"Oh I'm just going to a club and I was hoping to find a dress, nothing too fancy and flashy. But also not too casual sorry if I'm being picky" I explain to her looking down a bit, I'm not usually the person who gets stuff like this. Yes my parents used to pay for things when I arrived back in LA, but now I have my own money, I don't really like spending it on nonessential things like dresses and clothes.
"Okay y/n, if you'd like to go just to the dressing room and take your clothes off I'll bring you some things that may suit you, and you can buy something if you find any that you like. I hum a quiet okay, and do as I'm told.

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