Chapter two - unexpected interview

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I wake up much earlier than I have previously in the week, partly because I'm shitting myself for this interview, I've seen how my cousin works with celebrities and I've interacted with some of her clients, but this does not mean in any way am I cut out to work for not just any celebrity, but an A lister actress, which makes me feel quite useless compared to her. I shake my head and roll out of bed, batting away the negative voice in my head that I've come aquatinted to in the past few years of my life, and decide that I must look and feel like the part, to at least gain some confidence before walking into the office with them in it.
I have a quick shower, and blow dry my medium length dirty blonde hair (A/N or whatever hair you colour / cut you want ;) ) before styling it in loose curls. I then Push a fluffy head band over my hair, and apply some light make up, not wanting to look too glamorous, but also not half dead, and apply some lip oil. I make my way over to my not- so tidy wardrobe. I decide on keeping it formal and simple; a white shirt tucked into some beige dress pants and doc martins , pairing it with lots of silver rings, necklace and my earrings. Finally, I spritz on my favourite perfume.

I look at my watch and it's just about to turn 8:00 am, and decide it's best to leave now due to LA morning traffic. I hop in my old Mercedes and type in the address for Creative Arts agency. I nervously tap my hands on the steering wheel, lightly humming the lyrics to a song on the radio, in attempt to ease my nerves - it's not really helping, but soon enough I arrive at the location, and make my way inside.
Making my way over to the front desk I see that the woman is on the phone so I awkwardly stand there for a few moments before the woman pulls me back to attention with a simple phrase of "hello, how can I help you today?" She says as she lightly looks me up and down, obviously unfamiliar as to who I am.
"Hi I'm Y/N L/N, I have an interview with Diana Foster" I smile politely.
"Ah yes! You're a little early but her office is on the 5 th floor and all the way down the corridor, you can't miss it. There is a Lounge area where you can sit and wait  just by her office. Would you like anything to drink tea?coffee?" She replies.
"Thank you, but I'm okay, I'll see you around miss." I decline her offer and head towards the lift, and as I go up each floor my nerves finally start to fizzle out a little bit, making my shoulders deflate and my posture is returned back to an acceptable position.

I follow the Lady's instructions and find an armchair to sit on, and start scrolling through my phone in attempt to not look like a total lonely saddo. As I'm scrolling I hear the light tap of high heels and I slowly peel my eyes away from the screen towards the right, my breath hitches and my back straightens in the chair when I recognise her face. My god, shes even more alluring in person, I divert my eyes away from her as I don't want her to catch me staring. As she gets closer and closer I start sinking back in my chair wanting to just blend in with the furniture, but I'm very much still here and now she's only a few meters away from me and sat on the opposite wall in her own chair . She hasn't even looked in my direction. What the hell am I doing here? After a few more minutes of waiting I finally see Mrs Fosters door open, and she peers at me before showing me a warm smile "you must be Y/N! It's nice to finally meet you darling, your cousin doesn't stop talking about you!!" I stand up and feel another pair of eyes in my direction so I turn my head to miss Olsen and give her a small smile which she returns, before stepping into Miss Fosters office. She closes the door behind me and I slightly tilt my head in confusion before she says "I just want to have a quick chat with you before I bring Elizabeth in". I nod and then sit in one of the two chairs opposite Diana.

"I just want to thank you so much for agreeing to step in as Elizabeth's assistant for the time being. We had a hiccup with another assistants schedule, meaning we had no one to help Lizzie out. I know you have had a little experience with assisting by helping Charlotte out a few times when she's been on her annual leaves, but this is going to be tougher however I know you can do this. Elizabeth is a lovely woman and I'm sure you two will get along perfectly. I also heard that you want to start a career in music. Is that correct?" I nod my head taking in what Miss Foster just said and reply with
"Yes I am, it's my dream to share music about my experiences of life and I hope to inspire young people to do the same" I smile satisfied with my answer.
" well miss L/N, if you and Elizabeth stick to your contract I am willing to propose an offer, signing you to a very well known record label. But that's only if the contract is not broken." I sit there for a moment. My jaw is slacked my eyes grow wide and tears start to form after hearing what she just said. "Really?!" I squeaked, as I rose out of my seat towards miss Foster and engulfed her in a hug. She nodded in the quick hug "thank you so much miss Foster" I say sincerely, recomposing myself.
"That's quite alright dear, and please just call me Diana." I nod and she makes her way over to the office door again. This time Elizabeth now enters.

Elizabeth looks slightly confused as to why I haven't left yet but she seems to glaze her face with a smile as she is pulled into a hug by Diana. "Lizzie my love, I hope your doing well" she greets. They share they formal niceties, as I stay seated in my chair, not really paying any attention to them. They finally come over to my direction and Miss Olsen sits beside me. There's a small silence before Diana breaks it by saying "so Lizzie, this is Y/N L/N, she's going to be your assistant for the next 8 months, she's very kind, and she loves music just like your Robbie" she explains to her. I turn my head and body towards Miss Olsen so I can shake my hand and formally greet her. But her facial expression was definitely not what I was expecting. A stone cold hard stare. Her green eyes bore into mine with in fact a look of annoyance and anger. I furrow my eyebrows together at this, but before I could even say a word, Miss Olsen blurts "Are you being serious right now Diana? How many times do I have to say I. Don't. Need. An. Assistant. I'm sorry but I'm not going over this again" she half shouts and stands up, well that was charming.
"Lizzie I'm not taking no for an answer this time and you know it. You've got a really busy 8 months ahead of you and I can't just chaperone you around for that long on my own, you know I love you but I can't do that, it's not fair on my other clients. You either take this lovely assistant beside you or I will have to let you go from Creative Arts Agency". Wow, remind me not to
get on her bad side.

Miss Olsen tilts her head. Oh my gosh. Before taking a seat again. "I'm sorry for being stern with you Elizabeth but I hope you can understand my point of view". She mutters a quick "fine", and Diana seems to feel a little more at ease.
Diana then opens one of her desk draws and pulls out two hefty looking contracts, with a big confidential stamp on the front of it. "Right, now all you two have to do is sign these papers, and you'll be good to go". I start signing my papers as quickly as I can, not wanting to be in this awkward atmosphere for much longer, I quickly glance to my left and see that miss Olsen is taking her time to sign the papers. I get to the section about salary and I audibly gasp. Elizabeth and Dianna both look directly at me before I say "I'm sorry but, this is too much money, I'm only doing this for 8 months, this is is like 4 X the amount I expected" I slightly refuse the offer and I see Miss Olsens face slightly falter from a stern to a soft ish looking face before she quickly retreats back to her supposed normal self, and rolls her eyes. What the fuck.

"Darling, your taking the money or our deal is off the table" my eyes snap towards her and I quickly nod my head, signing the final pieces of paper work. Miss Olsens eyebrow arches in thought, but shakes her head and set her pen down on the table. Finally! Diana stands up so both of us do the same, she brings our meeting to a close by saying "thank you so much girls, Y/N you will start on Monday, I will give you a paper and an email copy of some information about Elizabeth such as phone number, address and her personal preferences". I nod and thank her, and we all head towards the door. I say bye to Jane and turn towards miss Olsen. "I look forward to working with you Miss Olsen, I will see you on Monday" and again giving a small smile, to keep things civil.
Her piercing Forrest eyes stare into mine as she condescendingly replies "bye Y/N"... was that it!
This is going to be an interesting 8 months.

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