Chapter fifteen - back to reality

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"Ouch y/n hurry up! You're sitting on my hand" Miss Olsen scolds me, as we zip up her suitcase. After practically flinging all our belongings back in our luggage we were ready for our flight tomorrow, which is a 05:00 am wake up call. I just keep reminding myself that the earlier the better, as it gives both of us to settle back into our usual routine.
Sighing, we both do our quick nightly routine, and very limited because I packed away most of my stuff, apart from the most essential items, and we both hop into bed.

I reach over to the nightstand and open my laptop, "y/n what are you doing? We both need to sleep or you and I both know we will be cranky in the morning" she tiredly grumbles, I can't help but smile at her remarks, although she's trying to be strict and bossy like usual she is failing miserably.
"Sorry miss, I'm just checking over my emails, and the flight details to just make sure that everything is A okay for the morning. I don't want to be getting stressed over tickets and take off times" I slowly explain to her, to which she just nods and closes my laptop.
"Okay. Now sleep, I don't want to hear another word from you. And please call me Lizzie, how many times" she tuts, and closes her eyelids.
"Good night Elizabeth" I whisper, and quickly fall asleep after.

My alarm goes off and Miss Olsen and I both groan in frustration simultaneously, I hate early flights. "Y/n can you tell that thing to shut the fuck up" Elizabeth squawks.
"I would if you could kindly remove yourself from me, I can't move" I say giggling, I watch as she looks at her bearings and noticed that her head is on my chest and her hands are trapping my arms from moving, her face heats up and she quickly rolls off me and faces towards the opposite direction of me. I'm finally able to turn the alarm off and I get up, thinking Miss Olsen will follow in suit, but she is still in the same position from where she rolled off.
I tiptoe to her side of the bed to see her mouth open and eyes shut, typical. Rolling my eyes, I slowly peel back the duvet cover and gently shake her shoulders, still nothing, god what will it take to wake this woman up.

I opt for the second choice and grab her hands, tugging her up to stand, she is now awake but she doesn't look happy. Great, so totally great.
"What the fuck y/n don't touch me" she growls, and my eyebrows raise in disbelief.
"Weren't you the on top of me last night miss, or do you happen to have just forgotten hm?" I enquire, she's slightly annoyed me because of her attitude. When I don't hear a reply I take a deep breath and remind myself, it's early, we're going on a plane which is stressful, and she could be on her period, I will never know. I exhale and try to focus on putting the last of my essentials in my handbag.

Miss Olsen emerges from the bathroom. "Are you ready to go y/n?" My eyes snap out of my daydreaming, and as I look towards her I can't help but my lips slightly part at the gorgeous sight in front of me.

How can such a simple outfit be so encapsulating

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How can such a simple outfit be so encapsulating. There's just something about her, I don't know whether it's the messy bun, or her makeup less face, that makes her so enchanting. Oh god I've been staring haven't I? I look back her face and meet her dazzling eyes.

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