Trip to Cinnabar

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(Pokemon and Trash of the Count are not mine.

Cale woke up the next day to Raon pulling on him, "I am up. I am up."

Raon, "Good, we need to get supplies for Silvia and Auryn."

Ohn, "Yeah, before we have to head to the port for our ship."

Hong, "Dad, I want fish for breakfast."

Cale chuckled, "How about we wash up first? Come on!"

Ash yawned from his bed, "What time is it?"

Cale, "Six o'clock in the morning. It is the best time to avoid bathroom rush."

Ash got up then, "Good idea. Let's go everyone."

After cleaning up they met at the mess hall where Cale ordered a well rounded platter for both of them. Ash was eating his food with gusto while encouraging Pidgeotto to eat their fill as well, there was enough food for everyone. Cale reminded Ash, they had to meet up with Sabra one more time before they left Saffron City for Cinnabar island. Ash nodded showing agreement and then making sure his Pokemon had eaten everything on their plates. The trip to Cinnabar from Saffron port was over seven hours and it would be dinner time by the time the land. Cale got up finishing his hearty breakfast and checking their schedules and giving Sabrina a call.

Ash, "Everyone ready to go?"

Ruby, "Ready Meema."

Raijin held up a page, -Ready.-

Bisque, "Bzzzzzz."

Luna, "Creee."

Pidgeotto chirped, "Ott."

Cale, "Let's go meet Sabra and Sabrina first you guys."

Raon, "He he he, everyone is so excited."

Auryn nodded, "Scy."

Hong, "That is to be expected."

Silvia, "Scyther scy."

Ohn, "That is a good question. Have you named Pidgeotto yet?"

Ash, "Actually I have. I named her Durabi, from the word durable. She went through a lot and yet stayed really strong."

Durabi puffed up, "Ott!"

Cale, "That is a strong name, Ash."

Ash, "Right. Oh! There they are."

Cale, "Sabrina, Sabra."

Sabra, "Cale, Ash, good morning."

Sabrina, "Ready to travel?"

Ash, "Yes, we are."

Cale, "Sabra, remember what we talked about? In order to use your powers without hurting yourself you must train hard. Meditite please take care of Sabra, okay?"

Meditite, -Do not worry, Master Cale. I will take good care of her.-

Cale, "Please do not call me Master. I still have a long way to go before I become any type of Master."

Meditite protested, -But you already have such a strong control over your Psychic powers. Your shield is one of the most powerful ones I have seen.-

Sabrina, "I have to agree with young Meditite here Cale. You are one of the few powerful psychic users I have met."

Cale, "Thank you but I am not a Master yet. So please just call me Cale."

Ash heard the ship horn, "That's the first warning."

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