chapter ten

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"So should we start?" Someone spoke

"Huh? P'Off?" Fourth said

''Dad.." Mix spoke

Author Pov :
They were shocked because Mix spoke. Theythought that Mix was still asleep but they were wrong. Mix is eavesdropping not long after his
father spoke

''Hi, my little Mix." Gun said.

Mix ran to his parents

"I thought you died Ma." Mix said

"I would never leave you all alone my angel." Gun replied

"Someone like us doesn't die so easily my love." Off laughed.

"Since we already know who all of you were, let's proceed to the plan." Off added.

"We used to work at GMMTV but they fired us 'cause we are mafias and they reported us to the police." Gun explained

"Wait Phi, Is it true that you were imprisoned before?" Fourth asked

"That is the truth Fourth. But they didn't know that our friend Perth is a police officer. He let us escape and he also left Thailand after." Off explained

"We need to investigate their special connection with the police." Earth added

"Okay. Khaotung , Jimmy , Force and Nanon. Help me with setting up a hidden camera through the company,and First, Sea , Book and Ohm. You will go set up at the police station with Gun." Off said.

"How?" Nanon asked

"The rest will stay at home and do their
perspective task based on their roles. For safety We will use an earpiece and alert us if danger is near." Off replied.

"When are we going to perform this mission krub?" Gemini politely asked,

"Tomorrow, so make sure to rest. We will use 4 cars. And if there are more to prepare , I'!l tell you tomorrow." Off said

Dunk reacted. "Uhm..."

"Yes Dunk? Anything wrong?" Off asked.

''Do we still need to go to another country?" Dunk also asked

"Simple. Divide into two groups , and one person in your group will ask a staff or a police officer something like you are trying to find someone and the one will act like you haven't been there. If they haven't kept their eyes on you , set the hidden camera immediately. Blend it well so no one will suspect. Do you get it?" Off explained

"Kind of but I think we can succeed." Nanon said

"Be sure with that , I will be there to guide you" Off said

"How about us pa?" Mix asked,

"destined to fight against our true enemy." Gun replied

"Oh okay krub.." Dunk responded

They all fell asleep

The next day

Mission day

"Okay, be ready everyone. Gemini and Fourth make sure to keep the other polices and securities on track. I don't want them to ruin our plan." Off spoke

"Krub" GeminiFourth responded,

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"on track when they're going to the police station?" Mix asked

"The most well trained police are not in the station because there are many people in need And especially some of them are in GMMTV company for the artists. The only police that are present in the station are mostly only for fighting not for war. Do you get it?" Fourth explained

"Oh , and how will you know if the danger is near?" Mix asked

"If the lines or circles became red." Gemini answered

"Cool" Mix smiled

"Rit whv are we alen left alane here? Shouldn't we"

We're not so trained like them Phi. Look, before both of you almost died and JGP faces are now on social media. We are given the roles that can be done at home." Fourth explained

"Bro? I'm a killer. How can that be done at home? Iwill killl my allies at home? Is that what you want?" Phuwin asked

"No but they want no fight. They said investigate or observe those suspicious actions. You won't kill yet. Your role won't be too useful" Gemini explained

"He has a point" Pond agreed

''HEY WHAT HAPPENED JOONG?" Dunk shouted at Joong's ear

"What is wrong with you? Do you want me to go deaf?" Joong asked irritatedly

"RED ALERTT" Fourth shouted






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