chapter two

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Phuwin's Pov:

It was the guy who stared at me at the shop. Why is he here? Is he following me? Oi how could he follow you when he arrives first? But that's weird, because every time I'm going here, that mansion is always quiet and it seems like no one lives there. He's actually cute? Or no? Oi stop thinking about him, he might plan a kidnap while I am thinking of him as my boyfriend. Oi why did I say that? Boyfriend What the hell? Don't think about Him Phuwin okay? They will question you about him, otherwise they might... Oi nevermind.

Phuwin arrived at their safe place which is a mansion with an underground room. He noticed that something is bothering Fourth and Dunk. He went straight to the sofa and talked to them.
"What's with the long face? Is that the face we're going to show during our hangout today?" Phuwin said while raising his one eyebrow. Dunk is startled because of Phuwin's sudden appearance "Oh sorry Phu, it's just-" Fourth interrupted Dunk's words "It's just that P'Dunk is overthinking about your mood. You're cold today unlike before."

Phuwin got worried because they might ask him a ton of questions about his mood. He tried to reassure their overthinks. "Sorry na Krub Phii, I'm just stressed because of E-sports and the company." Dunk finally smiled "Oii it's okay, no need to be sorry." Fourth who is sitting and listening to their conversation. "okay so let's eat na Krub? I'm so hungry."

Phuwin and Dunk just looked at each other and laughed at Fourth. "okay okay na Krub, let's goooo" After Dunk said his final word, they all ran
to the dining table to eat.

Author Pov:
Next day -7:30 am
Fourth Pov :
I woke up at 7 am and as usual ,I will go to the
balcony to look at the pretty morning sky. I
noticed that the mansion beside us seems to be
lifeless again. The lights are off so it's hard to be
sure if someone is there. I'm starting to get
worried that our safe place won't be safe
anymore. But 1 still didn't put too much attention
on that,and I get ready because l'm going to
check on the company. My schedule of visiting
the company is Every Thursday and Saturday.
Anyways, I saw Phuwin wake up already so I
decided to talk to him for a while.

Fourth greeted Phuwin "Good Morning Phuuuu"
with a smile on his face. Phuwin who is laying on
the sofa and watching TV greeted Fourth with a
high energy. "Oh Good morning fott, going to the
company already?" Fourth answered "yes phi
I'mma check if the sold increased."
Phuwin smiled because he really admired
Fourthis hard work. "Just stay for a little bit,'ll
make you breakfast."
Fourth is happy because he has someone to
prepare breakfast for him today. "Thank you Phii"
Fourth noticed that he still hasn't seen Dunk this
morning. "by the way Phi, has P'Dunk woke up
already?" Phuwin replied "Not yet , I guess he
stayed up late again"
Fourth's curiosity is getting higher and higher
about Dunk's work. "| wonder how hard his work
is?" Phuwin sighed "Every work is hard
especially since he still has a company to
manage." Fourth randomly said "His lover will be
so lucky to have him"
Phuwin is confused and shocked hearing those
words. He wanted to change the topic so he did
"Yeah, anyways how about you? How's your work
as a singer?" Fourth is getting busy with the
company lately and doesn't have much time for
his other job. "I'm fine and this upcoming
Sunday,' will sing a song to a wedding.
Phuwin is proud to hear those words. Fourth is
invited to be a singer at a wedding. "Oho , are you
the only one there?" Phuwin asked. "No Krub
P'Ford will also be there. He will also sing." Fourth
Phuwin is curious about the groom and bride of
the wedding so he asked Fourth about it. "Who's
wedding is that by the way?" Fourth replied "Nani and Janhae Krub"
Phuwin is really really shocked about it. "Really?
Before Nani would just ask for my advice on how
to flirt on Janhae , and now he's getting married."
"The fact that he's getting married and you're still
single" "Real" Both of them laughed. Fourth
noticed the time. "Phi , I'Il be going na Krub. It's
almost 8 am"
Phuwin nodded and said "Sure Fott , take care
Fourth who was walking to the front door shouted
Author Pov
Fourth's Company (Numone) isn't that far from
their safe house. When he arrived , He saw his
secretary and talked to her.

Angeilc gang (group chat)

Fotfot: EVERYONE what?
You want to hangout again?

Drunk.dunk: Oi,my phone so loud I forgot to mute
What do you need?

Fotfot: why didn't you tell me tell you what?

Fotfot: the collaboration

Drunk.dunk: you reserved it already

Fotfot: yes! so answer my question we already answered it

Fotfot: Why didn't you just tell me? We're on
the same roof after all.

Drunk.dunk: Don't you know anything about work?
We also need to inform them , you
couldn't just make a decision without
letting anyone in your company know

Fotfot: but why Monday

Drunk.dunk: are you busy on Monday

Fotfot: no but
Never mind : yall let's go to chiang mai

Fotfot: bro that's like 9 hours drive

Drunk.dunk: fr but sure If you will drive 😉 of I will but don't you have work today phi?

Drunk.dunk: I could take a day off
you really don't want to miss it , don't
Get home and change clothes Fourth.
P'Mix texted me that he will throw a
party and will bring his boyfriend and
boyfriend's gang there

Fotfot: I can't wait to meet grandpa

Drunk.dunk: same 55555

Fotfot: is our gang going ofc we are going

Fotfot : no I mean the gang with everyone and p'mix

(Bottom gang 🤭😭🥲) yea p'mix also invited them

Fotfot: okay I'm going home naa krabb

Drunk.dunk: take care na fot

Author Pov:

Skip Time (Chiang Mai)
They went to the venue together and Fourth immediately ran to Mix
Fourth hugged Mix like a child. "P'Mixx" Mix hugged back. "Fourthh ,I missed youuu" Fourth replied "Me too , anyways where is my grandpa?" Mix laughed. He broke the hug and went on the
stage. "okay Krub , I'l introduce him,
Everyone! Since we're complete. I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend. His name is First Kanaphan Krub."


Hope you guys like this chapter I'm sorry for not posting and taking a long time things came up chapter 3 is tomorrow 💖

I just realised that I wrote fotfot instead of fourthfot in the chat thing so I will keep it that way from know on and will change dunks one too to dudunk and keep it seams simple yk

Take care yall have a nice day/night/morning/evening 💗 💓

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