chapter five

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"Well well well. Chill down baby girls."
Phuwin shouted "POND?! I KNEW THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU." Pond snapped out "I SAID CHILL."
Dunk tried to counter Pond's words. "How the fuck are we going to chill Pond? We still have important errands to do. We don't have time to play games with you. Joong replied "and who said we're playing games with you? Look , I ordered my men to bring you here because you're so hard to meet." Fourth
responded "and so? You could've just called us.''

Gemini came out of nowhere and used his serious voice "Would you answer our calls if we do?" that made Fourth answer in a low voice = "no.." Gemini answered seriously "see?" Phuwin brings back the topic. "So why do you need us?" Joong looked at Gemini "Gemini, you tell them
the reason." Gemini tried to complain "But?" But Pond won this time "I already explained it a while ago. Give me a break bro."

Gemini gave up and started to explain "Fine, okay so I know that Fourth is going to attend Nani's Wedding. And the two of you as well but Fourth is the center of the danger because the plan of
attack is focused on Janhae. And I know that Nani told you that singers should be close to the bride am - right?" Fourth asked "What do you mean by that?"
Gemini replied "You think that Nani is just a simple businessman right? But you're wrong Nani is also a mafia. Nani's real name is 'MJ Hirunkit'. He just introduced himself as 'Nani Changkham' because the Supasap family didn't
know MJ's last name. and we're all aware that MJ is Janhae's biggest rival.

MJ planned an attack on the day of their wedding and Bright , Win and Dew are aware of this and will also be a part of the plan. They will be the ones who will distract Janhae's parents and relatives so that he can target Janhae alone."
Gemini added. Phuwin shouted "WHAT?!" Fourth also spoke "Is that all?"

                          Author Pov:

Everyone looked at Fourth Dunk broke the silence "What do you mean Fourth?"

Fourth replied "I'm thinking how can we help you?" Pond smirked "We know that you're a Mafia.' Phuwin asked "How?"
Pond proudly responds I'm the spy darling and Gemini is our tracker. And when you saw me at the shop that day ,I was doing my job. I'm spying on you. Because I can't target Dunk and Fourth
since they're together. Dunk got mad "Ai'Pond , are you trying to kill us?"
Pond explained "The reason why we did that is because we are trying to collect information if you're innocent or not. But I guess you're not.''

Gemini asked Now is it clear?" Fourth answered "clear." Joong spoke "How about you introduce true identity to us?"

The Angelic gang seems to hesitate but also give in to be fair because The JGP gang showed their true selves. Phuwin broke the silence "I'm the killer in our group." Fourth added "I'm the hacker"

Dunk spoke using his proud tone "I'm the detective. Joong replied "okay good. Let's go back to our mansion to discuss the plan." Fourth is confused "Pattaya?"
Phuwin who buried Fourth's question by "I need to check on my company.""It's nothing , your secretary is just flirty and
wants to see you. I even saw their secret Twitter account saying 'My boss is going back to me because I'm his home' like bro are you a snake?" Pond replied in his irritated tone.

Gemini laughed "My bro is jealous."
Pond replied "Shut the fuck up. Let's go.


Skip time - back to Pattaya

Joong talked "okay so let's discuss Fourth, you are the singer right? Where exactly will the venue happen?" Fourth easily responded "Hua Hin." Joong asked "What time?" Fourth replied "Around 12 noon.''

Joong again asked "How many guests?"
Fourth replied "I'm not so sure but it's a luxurious wedding so probably over 2000?" Gemini now asked "Are you the only one who will sing?" Fourth responded "No. My friend will also sing."
Pond replied "Full name."Fourth answered "Ford Arun Asawasuebsakul.
Why? Are you planning to kidnap him too or are you planning to flirt with him? He has a boyfriend."

Pond looked at Fourth seriously "Shut the fuck up Fourth. Do you want your friend to die in that stupid Wedding?"
Fourth lowered his head and voice "No.."
Joong tapped Pond "Hey Pond. Respect. He's the youngest especially , look at Phuwin and Dunk One more curse at Fourth and they'l bury you alive. "
Pond got nervous about the double threat he's currently seeing. "Aren't you gonna help me defend myself from them?"

Joong took the lead "Why would I? You're talking nonsense. Okay that's enough, Let's start theplan. Fourth , you will wear an earpiece. Just act like that earpiece is for your song. No one will be
suspicious because the wedding is grand. They could think of it as a protection for those loud cheers for the newlywed Pond , Spy on everything that is happening but don't lose the Supasap family in your sight especially Janhae. You know how special she is. Dunk and Phuwin , Since you're also a friend of
Janhae. You're also invited right?

PhuDunk nodded

Joong continued "okay so since Phuwin is the killer. Dunk , you will help Phuwin kill those visitors because the invited visitors are the groom's Allies."

Fourth is shocked "Wait What?!"


This is not how the chapter is supposed to be but I wanted to be on a cliffhanger 😻🤭🤭

Love yall


Have a nice day/night/morning/evening

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