Investigating the Unknown

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As Aarna's innocent inquiry reached Rohan's ears, he exchanged a knowing glance with Shreya before turning his attention to Arana with a reassuring smile. Leaning down to her level, he spoke in a gentle tone "Aarna, sweetheart, look at me," Rohan began, his voice tender as he addressed her concerns. "It's not that your mamma doesn't want to show you pictures of your dad. Actually, before you were born, your mamma used to live in Delhi. When she came to Mumbai, she didn't bring anything from there. Now that house is locked, but I'll ask someone, and we'll try to get your dad's pictures, okay?"

Aarna's eyes widened with hope and wonder, her face lighting up at Rohan's promise. "Really, uncle?" she asked, her voice tinged with excitement.

Rohan nodded, his smile widening at her enthusiasm "Yes, sweetheart."

Satisfaction spread across Aarna's features as she absorbed Rohan's words, her trust in him evident in the way she leaned into his comforting presence

"Sweetheart, why don't we go and have some ice cream? Just you and me boyfriend girlfriend time  okay?" Rohan suggested.

Aarna's face lit up with joy as she nodded enthusiastically, With a quick bye to Shreya and Keerthi, Rohan took Aarna's hand in his, their laughter echoing in the hallway as they set off on their impromptu ice cream.

As they settled into the car, Rohan glanced over at Aarna with a gentle smile, his eyes filled with affection for the little girl beside him. Leaning closer, he spoke in a soft tone his words carrying a sense of understanding and empathy.

"Sweetheart, I know you love your mamma and you miss your dad," Rohan began, "But if you keep asking about your dad, it makes your mamma sad, right? When the right time comes, your dad will come in front of you. Until then, don't make your mamma sad by asking about your dad, okay?"

Aarna met Rohan's gaze with a solemn expression, her eyes reflecting a mixture of longing and understanding. "I will wait until mamma makes me meet dadda, and I will not make her sad by asking about him," she replied softly, her voice filled with determination.

Rohan's heart swelled with pride at Aarna's maturity and compassion. Leaning forward, he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead.

"That's my girl," he murmured, his voice tinged with affection.

A smile graced Aarna's lips as she returned Rohan's affectionate gaze, Rohan and Aarna set off to indulge in their ice cream treat.


As the morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over our home I prepared for the day ahead, stealing glances at Aarna as she happily savored her breakfast pooja was feeding her, a sense of relief washed over me. The weight that had been pressing on my shoulders since Aarna's innocent inquiry about her father seemed to lift.

I couldn't help but wonder what Rohan had said to Aarna during their ice cream outing the previous day. Whatever it was, it had brought a smile back to her face and for that, I was grateful.

Throughout the morning, Aarna seemed content and carefree, her laughter filling the air as she played with her toys. Not once did she mention her father or ask any questions that tugged at my heartstrings.

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