First Meeting

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As Shreya got ready for an early meeting with the new officer, she dressed in her brown shirt paired with black pants, preparing herself for the day ahead.

As Shreya got ready for an early meeting with the new officer, she dressed in her brown shirt paired with black pants, preparing herself for the day ahead

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 In the midst of her preparations, her daughter Aarna approached her, wrapping her arms around Shreya's legs. Shreya turned around greeted by Aarna's embrace, and smiled. "Good morning, baby," she said affectionately.

Aarna looked up at her mother with big eyes and requested to be carried. Shreya happily obliged, lifting Aarna into her arms. Aarna nestled comfortably against Shreya's shoulder as they made their way to the kitchen. Shreya busied herself preparing breakfast for Aarna, all the while engaging in a loving exchange with her daughter.

"Baby, why don't you get down? Let's brush your teeth. Pooja Didi will come soon, and she'll feed you breakfast, okay?" Shreya suggested, but Aarna insisted, "No, mamma, you make me brush."

With a smile, Shreya led Aarna to the bathroom and helped her brush her teeth. Just then, Pooja arrived home, ready to take over Aarna's care. However, as Pooja approached to take Aarna from Shreya's arms, Aarna clung tightly to her mother. Shreya found unusual seeing Aarna clinging to her.

Concerned, Shreya gently made Aarna sit on her lap and asked, "Aarna, sweetheart, what happened to you today?" Aarna looked up at her mother, her eyes reflecting a hint of fear. "I had a bad dream that someone took me away from you," she confessed softly.

Immediately, Shreya enveloped Aarna in a comforting hug, reassuring her daughter, "Sweetheart, Mumma is here with you. No one can do that. If anyone tries, Mumma will fight and beat them, dishum dishum." Aarna smiled, finding solace in her mother's words.

"Mamma, be with me today," Aarna pleaded clinging tightly to Shreya.
Shreya felt a pang of helplessness wash over her. These moments, when her daughter needs her the most are the times Shreya wishes she had someone by her side to share the responsibilities of caring for Aarna.

Despite her best efforts to balance work and motherhood, there are moments like these when Shreya realizes the weight of being a single parent, longing for the support and companionship she often lacks. 

 [As Aarna hugs Shreya tightly, just then Shreya's phone rings. It's Swathi.]

Shreya: (answering the call) Hello Swathi

Swathi: Shreya, where are you? The meeting starts in 20 minutes.

Shreya: I'll start soon.

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