chapter three

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KENNEDY took a sip of the la croix in her hand as courtney closed the fridge.

"so, how's your first week at smosh been?" courtney asked.

"pretty awesome." kennedy grinned."i'm so glad i auditioned."

courtney smiled. "i'm pretty glad you auditioned, too. i love having a twin."

kennedy laughed at courtney's comment, which originally came from shayne a few days prior.

not only do they have matching blonde hair and a love for having rings on every finger, but they have the same sense of humor and both love to watch five nights at freddy's lore videos during lunch.

"i love having a twin too." kennedy beamed. "it's hard to do, but i'm the slightly gayer version of you." she joked.

"and i'm the less gender version of you." courtney laughed. "and, hey! it's not my fault i have a soft spot for silly boys."

"speak of the devil and he shall appear." kennedy said as shayne, dressed in a black suit and top hat became visible.

"wow, you look..." kennedy dragged out.

"like a gentleman?" shayne asked in his gentleman voice.

courtney chuckled. "like an idiot." they joked.

shayne pretended to be offended. "you just don't understand the lifestyle." he smirked, smoothing out the black suit.

"so, what is this for, again?" kennedy asked, squinting at the dapper man in front of her.

"moose master." shayne said as amanda and angela made their way over to the door.

wearing identical suits, amanda put her arm around shayne as angela leaned on the doorframe. "gentleman." amanda said in a deeper voice.

"hello, good sir!" shayne nodded.

"oh my." kennedy smirked. "you guys look so handsome."

angela smiled and took a drag from a fake cigarette. "thank you, young lady." she said in her gentleman voice.

kennedy laughed. "you're very welcome."

"we best be going now." shayne announced, turning on his heels. amanda and angela followed.

"so," courtney began. "you and angela were close before you left?" they asked, leaning into the island.

kennedy fought the urge to physically react. "yeah, we were."

"if you don't mind me asking, what happened?" courtney asked. "other than you leaving."

kennedy thought about dumping the truth onto courtney, how they dated for a while and were completely inseperable until kennedy wanted to go to new york, and with angela's blessing, she left, leaving behind quite possibly her soulmate for a stupid internship.

"well, we were best friends, and in my rebellious dark-hair-ripped-tshirt phase i decided that i needed to get out of california and go to new york and get a new life experience." kennedy explained.

"angela told me that i should do it and we agreed to stay in touch but she went back to college and i got busy and we just fizzled out." she continued. courtney nodded as she followed along.

"so you guys just grew apart?" courtney asked.

kennedy nodded. "pretty much."

"huh." courtney began. "i expected that story to be a lot gayer."

kennedy laughed. "nope." she lied right through her teeth. "just grew apart."

"well, you guys seem to be on track to getting close again." courtney said.

kennedy smiled. "we'll see what happens."

courtney began to walk out of the kitchen and kennedy followed.
kennedy turned to courtney as they both sat down on a couch. "do you think i'll ever actually do my job here?"

courtney laughed. "why would they put these couches here of we couldn't use them?"

"yeah, but all i've done this week is film, sit, and eat." kennedy joked.

"hey, filming is hard." courtney said as kennedy swung her feet onto their lap.

kennedy leaned back and felt something poke her lower back. "what the hell?" she said as she pulled out a tiny plastic spongebob.

courtney errupted with laughter as excitement grew on kennedy's face.

"stop, he's so cute!" kennedy laughed. "why did we almost go up my ass?"

"twenty bucks on spencer." courtney said.

kennedy threw her head back as she cackled. "i don't care, this is mine now."

kennymatthews added to their story!



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abi speaks!
short little chapter... court and ken are going to be the best of friends 💕
also 🙈🙉🙊 an angela interaction
props to kennedy for keeping it cool lmao

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