chapter two

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KENNEDY knew she screwed up the moment she saw angela's face. she hoped that the initial shock would wear off and the two could be normal, but it was already after lunch and they had said about a total of twenty words, counting their try not to laugh bits.

there was some downtime now that a smaller group was filming and kennedy wanted to find angela. she was sitting with courtney, quickly finding a friend in them.

"hey, i'll be back, i need to run to the bathroom." kennedy said once their conversation died down.

"okay, have fun." courtney smiled. kennedy laughed and got up, making her way to the bathroom. she saw angela and amanda and knew that now was the only time she would be able to catch angela.

"hey, sorry to interrupt but angela, can i talk to you for a second?" kennedy asked.

amanda waited for angela's response. "sure." angela said.

"i'll let you two have the comfy couch." amanda smiled, getting up.

"thank you." kennedy smiled towards amanda. she sat down next to angela and inhaled sharply.

"so, uh, how have you been?" kennedy asked.

"i've been good." angela answered.

kennedy nodded. "that's good."

"how about you?" angela asked.

"oh, i've been good." kennedy said. "life has been a little crazy these past few weeks but it feels good to be back."

angela nodded, not really knowing what to say.

kennedy sighed. "uh, listen, i'm really sorry that i didn't let you know i would be here. i wasn't sure what the protocol was for telling your ex you would be working with them" kennedy attempted to joked.

angela forced an understanding smile. "right."

"so are we cool now?" kennedy asked. angela didn't say anything.

"i realize now that i probably should have just texted you." she continued.

angela scoffed. "you seem to do that a lot."

kennedy furrowed her brows. "what?"

"nothing, sorry." angela shook her head.

"no, what?" kennedy asked.

"it's just that not sending texts when you probably should've seems like your thing." angela explained.

kennedy stared at angela. her boldness took the words right out of her mouth and the thoughts right out of her head.

"i see what you're trying to do kennedy, you want us to be friends, and i understand that, but i just don't think i can be super close to you right now."

"what do you mean?" kennedy asked. "we can't be friends?" she sat across from angela in tense silence for a few seconds.

"starting tomorrow, we should act like everything is normal. fans will begin to read into every interaction we have if we aren't normal." angela explained. 

"so, we're pretending to be friends?" kennedy asked. angela sighed, not knowing what to say.

"yeah, i guess that's what we're doing." angela said.

"opposed to letting the past be in the past and being adults about this?" kennedy remarked.

"you seriously don't understand where i'm coming from?" angela asked.

kennedy quietly scoffed. "i don't see why we can't be real friends, but okay."

angela placed her forehead in her hand. "maybe i just don't want to be."

"oh, come on." kennedy sighed. "it's been eight years."

angela pursed her lips. "i'll see you around." she stood up.

"where are you going?" kennedy shot off the couch.

ignoring the question, angela turned around. "i'm glad we came to an agreement that we'll pretend to be friends." she said.

"angela, wait." kennedy called out.

angela turned around. "welcome to smosh, by the way."

"yeah." kennedy said, feeling shock rush over her.

angela was leaving the room when arasha stopped her, knowing something was off earlier. "hey, you alright?"

angela's face formed a smile in record speed. "yep, just catching up with my old friend." she chuckled. arasha peered into the room and kennedy quickly laughed along with her.

"oh, alright, cool." arasha smiled and walked away. angela turned to look at kennedy one last time.

"see, you've got this, miss. netflix." angela said, commenting on kennedy's acting abilities.

angela walked away and kennedy sighed. "that went well."

kennymatthews added to their story!



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abi speaks!
short chapter that, tbh, i dont love
butttt in order to get to the fun stuff we have to make it through the angst

tensions are high, something happened between them previously and no one is saying what it was, and ang and ken are pretending to be friends...
i'm gonna have so much fun with this lol

sorry about angsty angela, she'll be her regular self soon :))


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