Entering the City... Somehow

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Jasim and Raisa settle in an igloo...

Jasim: You sure that they'll offer an alliance? Because well, if they were this much hostile towards you, then they'll definitely get furious when they hear "Destaani" ...
Raisa: It doesn't matter... Besides am also entering the city mainly to visit my late mother's grave, and to visit my people...
Jasim: Alright then... But why did you pull me away from there when they gave me entry as a tourist? I mean I could've helped you sneak from the inside...
Raisa: That'd be a suicide mission... My father isn't a merciful person. He'll make sure he skins you to death, not before gathering some info about me from you...
Jasim: Damn! Alright, we're sneaking in, right?
Raisa: It would've been easier, if my elder brother didn't exist. He knows A LOT about me, and he must've blocked the secret passages by now... Sneaking in will be difficult...
Jasim: (chuckles) When have things been easier for us?
Raisa: You're right, there has to be a way...
Jasim: Well, what about getting help from the public that used to admire you and respect you so much?
Raisa: The public... YES! JASIM! You're a genius! (kisses Jasim on the cheek) Thank goodness!
Jasim: Haha! What's the plan then?
Raisa: So, there is a secret entrance that only I know about, and it opens into the commercial trade-zone space. We can use that entrance and that area to our advantage...
Jasim: All is well and good, but we'll have to arm ourselves with weapons, as much as possible...
Raisa: Yeah! You have a point!

The duo gets ready to sneak into the Arrendale Palace, and they head towards the Eastern side of the city. After a few minutes of searching, they find the secret trapdoor that leads towards the Trade Zone.

Raisa: We've found the secret entrance! Let's now sneak in and get things done!

And so, they enter the city via the trapdoor, while wearing civilian outfits. After about 20 minutes walking via unexplored pathways, they finally reach the Trade Zone. While no one spots Raisa at first, an influential and wealthy trader, named Olof Stagard notices her...

Olof: Welcome back Princess Raisa!
Raisa: Thank you, Mr Olof! Now I need you to help me meet King Grignard right now... Can you, do it?
Olof: No problem at all Princess! I'll take care of it! You can stay in my shop while I prepare your meeting with the King...
Raisa: Thank you so much! I will never forget this favour...
Olof: Always welcome Princess...

Olof gets his caravan ready. He plans to sneak the Princess into the castle via the caravans... In the meantime, Raisa and Jasim head towards his shop.

Raisa: It's just depressing to see how much the Kingdom has changed. The politics, economics and even the capital city of Alaska! I just hope my father will agree to ally with us...
Jasim: Not me sounding less optimistic but, what should we do if our plan fails?
Raisa I'll have to arrange some commanders and soldiers that will help us with our escape...

Jasim: Chapter 3 - Unknown DangersWhere stories live. Discover now