Part 12: To New Beginnings

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Katarina found herself staring at Hunter once more but this time, she could feel anger suddenly boil through her veins at the absurdity of what he had just said. She knew he felt it through her aura, immediately raising his hands up in surrender, his eyes pleading hers to calm down. Her fists were clenched and she hopped off the counter, now guarded as the two witches stared at each other, the atmosphere now tense.

"Kat," He said gently and her eyes narrowed, "I know more than anyone that family is basically forbidden to bring up with you after all you went through. I have kept your secret this far so I would hope that you can trust that I would not bring this up unless I had a reason."

"I really would like to trust you," She said slowly but through gritted teeth, numerous emotions clouding her thoughts, her reason, "But I also can't help but not."

"Kat, wait-!" Before he could stop her, she brought her hands up and blasted his body back into the wall with a gust of wind, quickly cloaking herself as she bolted out the store. She had all but perfected her technique but her paranoia would not relieve her anxiety as she ran as fast as her legs could take her, muttering a prayer to the God of speed to move even faster to who knows where as long as it took her away from him. When she cast out her senses to make sure she was not being followed, she turned into an alley near her place of work, leaning against the wall and bracing herself to catch her breath. She cursed to herself at the event that just played out and wondered if it was even more idiotic that she came to her place of work, knowing that Hunter had to have some form of outline on her if he set up that bookshop near where she lived.

Just how close did he fucking get...fuck, Katarina thought in her head as she looked up at the sky, putting her hands up and against the back of her head in attempt to calm her pounding heart. Based on where the bookshop was, the young witch hoped that he only narrowed down where she lived. Her place of work was close enough for her to walk but she took different routes back and forth, regardless if it took her more time or not, just to avoid situations like this.

I was only here for a few months, she began to bite her thumb, cursing as she glanced at the time. Her shift started in a few minutes so she had that much time to decide whether she would risk Hunter knowing where she worked or if she was safe enough to at least work this shift.

Or maybe he was telling the truth, the other voice - probably her voice of reason now that she had calmed down - spoke and she sighed, running a hand through her hair. She wasn't sure if it was instinct or paranoia that led her to this decision so far but she willed herself to take deep breaths, fixing herself quickly before walking down the alley towards one of the back entrances of her work. She did her best to not appear out of order, clocking in and beginning her shift duties, mumbling the spell to calm herself every so often when the anxiety would arise. This shift was shorter than most and Katarina questioned if that was good or bad as it seemed to go by quickly yet not at the same time. She did her job as well as she usually did but her eyes couldn't help but dart to the door every time it opened, wondering if Hunter truly did narrow her life down. Her relief was short-lived every time it was not him and she would also cast her senses out in case he sent someone else but that too, brought back no results.

Maybe no one was following her,

Maybe Hunter really was telling the truth, she thought with a sigh and she grabbed the last of her tips as the end of her shift came. She cleaned her side of the bar and filled the register, saying goodbyes before walking out. It was late into the night, the clock on her phone reading 2:00 a.m. when she walked out, her senses more heightened than usual. The hairs on the back of her neck raised and she quickly scanned her surroundings, casting her senses.

"Katarina?" She jumped more than she would like to admit, her hand coming up but it was quickly caught in the pale hand of Dream, whose eyes showed slight alarm at her attempted attack.

"Fuck, Morpheus, I'm so sorry," the witch breathed out and she moved to drop her arm, her hand still in his, though her mind paid no attention as her other hand came up in attempt to put the pressure off her head. His hand squeezed hers and she looked up at him when she felt his other hand on her face, cupping her cheek. His eyes bore into hers and she bit her lip at his silence, worry pooling among the other emotions she was feeling. Even an Endless's patience is bound to run thin, she thought to herself.

"What has you so frantic with worry, little daydreamer?" He whispered and she sighed, leaning into his touch.

"I feel like the world is crashing into me," she breathed out, "All that I have built to run from my past is catching up and I fear it will all come to be nothing. That I will come to nothing," she basically sobbed the last part, the tears beginning to form at the corner of her eyes as she looked up at him. His finger slowly caressed her cheek, now blooming pink at his gentle touch, moving to wipe the tear before it fell.

"Come, let us return home," he said after a moment and she nodded, falling into his arms. Home, he had said and she felt the instant relief in the sand before she pulled back to bask in the Dreaming, her chest already feeling less heavy. Dream's arms remained around her as she laid her cheek against his chest, looking up at the sky. His hand came up and her eyes shined as it transformed to match the galaxies within his coat, various blues and pinks dancing across.

If there was a moment - just one - that she could stay in, it would be this. His arms around her, hearing the steady beat of his heart against her ear as she nuzzled into his warmth. All her worries moved to the back of her mind as she looked up at the sky that he transformed just for her.


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