Part 7: Visiting the Dreaming

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 When Katarina's eyes opened, she found herself right outside Dream's castle, her feet cold against the cobblestone beneath her. She turned, feeling the warmth of the sun and she used her hand as a shield as she basked in the beauty of the realm. The sky was blue and inviting, the bridge connecting to the castle built back together across the sparkling body of water beneath it. When she realized she was in her pajamas as always, she waved her hand across her chest, the clothes changing into jeans and a tight fitted black long sleeve. Her feet were now covered in combat boots and her eyes shined as she looked up at the castle, a sight truly to behold.

"Quite different from when I was last here," She said, feeling Dream now standing beside her and he looked down towards her as she continued to look up.

"Better, I presume?" He asked, his voice showing a hint of a humorous tone and Katarina was a bit surprised, not knowing Dream was capable of being anything but expressionless.

"I especially like the lack of debris," Katarina joked and she could have sworn she saw the corners of his lips turn up but she chose not to comment, her own small smile gracing her lips, "I see you've been busy." Dream hummed in response, his hand coming up and she watched with awe as the door opened with the motion of his hand, the two entering his castle. With the King's return, the Dreaming was back to its glory, if not more beautiful than it once was. Katarina could feel Dream's power radiating from him as they walked side by side, her eyes glancing at him briefly every couple of steps.

"I'd like to think that I reverted my realm to what it once was but I had made the decision to keep some spots as they were," Katarina's eyebrow raised in question as she turned to the Dream Lord before she was rolling them, noticing he was pointing towards pieces of the castle she had attempted to put together back when he was imprisoned. Pieces of cobblestone were placed incorrectly into the spot where the ceiling met the walls, alike to a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit.

"I didn't think you were one to tease, Lord Morpheus," Katarina said, emphasizing his title and his head tilted at her, making her giggle slightly as they continued to walk through the hallway. A comfortable silence filled the air, the young witch merely appreciating the Dream Lord's presence as well as being back in the castle of the Dreaming, feeling a sense of familiarity filling her chest. Almost like home, she thought and she smiled to herself, remembering that she did spend eighty years in the realm when her physical body was asleep. The sound of wings peeked Katarina's interest and she smiled as a raven flew above their heads, curving through the air before landing between the two, his talons making tiny taps against the stone. A flash of Jessamy crossed her eyes and they were saddened at the memory of the sweet bird, the tuft of white feathers on her chest making her quite unique compared to the raven before her, who was a beautiful black.

"Hello," Katarina said, her head looking down at him and his head bobbed back and forth, "And who might you be?"

"A nuisance," Dream muttered and she tilted her head, an eyebrow raising but he continued looking forward.

"Appreciate it, boss," The raven said sarcastically before bowing his head to her, somehow keeping up with the two of them despite his size, "Pleasure to finally meet the Lady who saved the Dreaming! I am Matthew, newly appointed raven to Dream of the Endless. I say newly appointed but we've been on a number of adventures already."

"You may call me Kat or Katarina," the young witch said, giggling as she introduced herself, "It is also a pleasure to meet you, somewhat newly appointed raven of the dreaming. How could you refer to such an adorable creature as a nuisance, my lord?" She asked, looking up at Dream and he raised an eyebrow slightly to her.

"I had no need for another raven," He said simply but she could see the bond they shared in the shine of his eyes, knowing that it was most likely the tragic loss of sweet Jessamy that warranted his apprehension.

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