Chapter 87

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Faced with multiple injured members, Caleb orders everyone to take their time but not to stall. Lukia uses some of her healing to ease Caleb's wounds. Yorn casts his healing spells onto Uzel, who finally takes a deep breath now that the pain is bearable.

"Thank you..." Uzel places his hand on Yorn. Yorn sighs to himself, seeing his friend in pain.

"They took your eyes; these bastards will face judgment when it is right." Yorn continues to guide Uzel. He softly shrugs off his hand and places his own hand on the wall.

"I'll only be in the way if you keep trying to help. Since you healed my wounds, I can use my other senses to see."

"Are you sure? I don't mind helping-"

"You've done quite enough, my friend. If I want to meet Hinnia again, I need to be stronger than losing my sight has done. I hope you understand."

"Stubborn since we were kids. Fine, have it your way, but I will watch your back to the end."

"Thank you again. I don't know how I was blessed with such a great friend as you."

"Praise our God if you're speaking that."

"Heh, you know I don't understand that stuff."

"Then I am afraid I can't help you with that."

"Good, now let me be." Uzel takes a quick sniff in the air and adjusts his wolf ears and his sense of feel to pinpoint his location and where he should move. Caleb checks in with everyone, looking after them and seeing if they need anything.

"Caleb, I am fine," Lukia says. "I am more worried about you. Making that barrier to help Gale and me must have taken a lot out of you."

"It wasn't easy to pull off, but I am glad it did when it counted. I don't know if I can do another one like that for a while, but I can still move just fine."

"If you need my help, don't hesitate to ask. We are here together."

"Sure, when I really need it, I will ask." Caleb smiles a bit before he takes a quick look around to see Nana far behind the group. Noticing her distressed look, he slows his pace to walk beside her. "Hey, you are feeling alright?"

"I don't use Sword Arts that many times in a row; it really took a lot to do all that. I'll be fine, I don't mind being look out for our backs."

"Then, at least let me join you; make sure you can handle them."

"Caleb, even if I was missing an arm, I would still be able to fight without issue. I'm fine; thanks for your concern, but make sure Eriie and Syphine are handling this okay."

"Just don't collapse on us. I am pretty sure your size alone will already be a problem if that happens here."

"You brat! I'll make sure you pay for saying that later."

"It's a promise then, if we need to pick up the pace, let us know. I'll get us out of here fast."

"Right, sure..." Nana, pale and sweating, is holding back the painful burning sensation that is slowly spreading from the wound she received from Shaar. She pressed down hard onto it, preventing herself from being overtaken by the wound; she looked on with a haze in her eyes.

Moments pass as the passage quickly breaks off from the cells and leads into a tight corridor, quickly leading to another chamber that seems to be abandoned by the goblins, holding no value for any base or campsite.

"Looks like we got lucky on this one; we can take a breather here. It will take them a long time to rush through the way we came. If you have any water, make sure you share it with the ones who need it most. Any food should only be eaten in small bites and not much after. Conserving our strength at this time is our best option." Gale, using his survival skills to assess the party, comes in handy. Something that Caleb takes note of as he looks after Eriie and Syphine. Eriie drinks most of the water from his canteen but makes sure to stop before she drinks it all. She allows Caleb to give some to the still-unconscious Syphine.

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