Chapter 86

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The creatures' roaring shouts vibrate the air. With the appearance of their leader, they stand with crooked smiles. Witnessing the vessel for the ritual, Syphine, carried by his underlings, begins to voice the final rites. Tension running high, Caleb lets out a long sigh, wiping the sweat from his brow. Nana also watches with a distasteful expression. Caleb swiftly approaches the side, has a clear line of sight of the horde, and observes the Hobgoblin.

"Shaar! Shaar! Shaar!" The goblins begin to shout a name in a common tongue. It was the name of their leader, the Hobgoblin Shaman. Wielding his black twisted staff, he conducts the kneeling goblins to bow and chant. Shouting his name while reciting the words in their tongue, he steps onto the platform where the ritual circle lies.

"We have a special one with us! I have prepared this elf for this glorious moment! Giving birth to many, she shall give us more warriors!" His words resonate with the pack, causing them to go feral. He raises his hands and motions the ones carrying her to place her before him. She is placed with care, and they are back away from Shaar.

Caleb motioned for Nana to conduct the plan they had discussed. She nods and readies her blade, chanting some words under her breath. Shaar recites some words before reaching for Syphine; a white blur obstructs his view—a piercing blade slices through his arm, which he quickly retracts. Dark red blood drips onto the platform as Caleb lunges for his throat.

After having to use a Sword Art to increase his speed, he loses his breath for a moment and barely misses Shaar's neck. The Hobgoblin flicks his staff to hit Caleb's brow before reaching to grab the boy. Dark purple energy wraps around his fingers. Seeing the dark magic, Caleb ducks back and catches himself by stabbing his sword into the platform as leverage. Just barely avoiding being grabbed, he kicks both feet into the arm to push it away. Shaar snarls with his nasty fangs before he watches Caleb retreat, grabbing Syphine and attempting to run. Shaar shouts to his followers to seize him.

"Nana! Now!" Upon hearing his words, Nana recites the words from a Sword Art that she had learned long ago. "Stone Edge!" Infusing a powerful ability into her blade, she easily carves into the pillar and shoves against it with all her might. Causing it to collapse toward the platform. Shaar screeches as he rolls out of the way, only to watch a handful of goblins be obliterated by the falling pillar. Their bodies turned into a pile of mushed blood and flesh. The unstable ceiling begins to crumble, and pieces start to break off and fall to the ground. Causing a large panic, goblins attempt to run out of the way of the falling debris.

"Don't let them escape!" Shaar still barks his orders, raises his staff, and casts a spell that reaches all of his followers. They quickly grow in size; their muscles begin to bulge out, and their eyes white out in a blind fury. The spell to make them much stronger causes a large mass of goblins to go berserk. They only listen to the caster without question and turn their attention toward Caleb, carrying the unconscious elf over his shoulder. Even with his strength, his size limits his movement while carrying a fully grown woman.

Noticing the unnatural change within the creatures, he barely has the time to react as they rush after him. Nana quickly leaps to the next pillar and uses the same ability to carve through it and shove it onto more of the goblins. Much more of the ceiling breaks off and plummets to the ground. Caleb just barely manages to avoid being crushed by one and runs toward the tunnels where Uzel and Eriie await.

Until a sharp pain strikes his arm. The blood shooting from the wound causes him to stumble. One of the goblins caught up to him and took a swing. Having no choice but to take it out, Caleb switches stance and kicks the creature in the face before slicing off its head. The disgusting dark blood coats his blade and chest before he attempts to move. However, the large ogre, a pale green hulking creature, stomps towards him and reaches to grab him.

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