Chapter 85

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Our steps covered by the goblins' chanting, we quickly dashed to the side and entered what was a long, crudely built chamber. A long hall of torches was placed along the walls where each cell lined up.

"Would they have their prisoners so close to the center of the nest?" I question.

"These tunnels are probably connected to many other tribes, either from naturally formed structures or because they dug them out themselves. The latter seems less likely, considering how sophisticated these pathways become. We might have an exit through here; if it leads to one of the other tribes, we could escape in the ensuing chaos, especially if we can cover the entrance here as we leave."

"It sounds solid enough. I hope you have something in mind."

"Don't worry, I can handle that."

Proceeding down the path, we check each cell, looking for the survivors or anyone for that matter. Each cell was either empty with dried blood staining the ground, or they had rotting corpses that were just left there without a second thought.

"Do you see anyone?" I ask, hoping we can find anyone.

"Just death. The smell is hard to ignore." She covered her nose while observing each cell that is passed.

"Who's there?" A weak but female voice calls out from a cell further down. Wasting no time to run to the person, we uncover one of the surviving party members.

"Hey, don't be afraid," I call out.

"C-Caleb? Is that you?" She reaches out and grabs the bars. Her face is bruised and bleeding. It is her, Eriie, one of the elves in the Scarlet Hunters party.

"Yes, it is, we have come to get you out of here Eriie. Is there anyone else with you? What happened to Uzel, anyone." I gently hold her hand to comfort her. Nana nods to my stare as she begins to work on the door.

"Uzel was taken when their leader defeated him. He didn't stand a chance against his magic. I tried to fight back, but they weren't gentle." She gently rubs her wounds, clearly from a club or fist that took her down. "Yorn stood by with us, but I don't know if he was captured; he could be dead for all I know. He might be in one of these cells as well as Uzel."

"What of your sister, Syphine? Was she with you?" Nana speaks as she forces the lock on the door to break. It swings open, and Eriie slowly approaches us.

"T-They took her; the big one grabbed her and dragged her off. Her screams...God... I need to find her! I have to save her!" Nana grabs her arm before she takes off. She struggles and cries out, quickly being shushed by Nana.

"Was it the Hobgoblin that took her?" Nana asks.

"I-It was a big ugly one; he smelled horrible, and he was bigger than their leader."

"It must be an ogre or a subspecies. Either way, it spells a lot of trouble besides their leader," I comment.

"Caleb, what do we do? I don't know what they want to do with us but...their leader was very excited to see me and my sister... Almost like he was beyond thrilled. Please tell me my sister will be okay!"

"I'm sorry, but she is going to be used in a ritual. We need to save her at all costs."

"Or we can make sure they can't use her for it."

"W-What are you suggesting, Nana? Aren't you the Guild Master? You are supposed to watch out for them!" I shout.

"Do you remember how many there are? Even if we recover her, we have a whole army. I can probably hold them off but if that ogre or their leader joins the fight, there is no telling where it would go. At the very least, we could prevent her from going through the worst fate imaginable."

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