Who's that?

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Beast Titan's POV


A group of them runs toward me.

"Well, I didn't think it would end without a fight, but... a suicide charge..?"

"I expect them to come up with something better."

Then a bunch of smoke was shot everywhere.

"Smoke..? Oh. The ones they use as signals?"

I grabbed a small rock, crumbling it, and threw it.

There were more coming out..

" How sad.. They haven't learned a thing from the mistakes of their past."

"It's terrible that King Reiss took the memories of the world away from them. Because of that, they make the same mistakes over and over again."

"I'm sure that by the end, they'll send every person inside the walls on a suicide charge, from their elders to their children."

"They'll go on to say that if they are going to die anyway, they might as well die proudly. It proves only how unimaginative and set in their ways they are."

"Little fools."

I turned to see my hands crushed the stones into dust.

"Oops... I crushed it into dust. Heh, what am I doing?"

"Why are you getting so angry about it, You're not your father remember? You need to find joy in every little thing. Now, let's turn those soldiers into little chunks of meat."

I threw another bunch of boulders. Making it a perfect touchdown.

"Yeahhhhh!!! Get some!! Hah! Did you see that?! I used a different throwing technique, I know I wiped you all out now."

Then, soldiers come riding through the dust.


The soldiers fire more green smoke rounds, toward me.

"Like I said.. Do you think those toys are gonna have any effect on me?"

"Do you think?"

I grabbed more stones.

"All of that screaming is going to do any good?!"

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