Chapter 3

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Bella woke up with a start, her breathing erratic, sweat coating her skin and her small body shaking. Her grey eyes flickered around the unfamiliar room, her brows furrowing when she saw that she was in a....bedroom?

Bella gasped at the softness of the blanket and the mattress felt like a cloud. The room itself was huge, expensive looking furniture littered around the room along with expensive paintings on the walls.

She was knocked from her gazing and jumped when she heard a knock on the bedroom door which was slightly ajar. Bella pulled the blanket up in feat, her eyes watching as a head peaked in and she saw that it was the man that came to the orphanage. The man that adopted her, her uncle.

"Good morning, darling. I hope you slept well" Regulus smiled, slowly walking into the room. He almost chuckled at the fact that the blanket and bed were practically swallowing Bella whole that's how small she looked.

"I wanted to warn you first before anything happened. We're at a friends house, James Potter, and he lives here with his son Harry who is your age. James' parent's, Euphemia and Fleamont, are also here" Regulus spoke gently, just as a brunette woman walked into the room making Bella shrink back slightly.

"Bella, this is Euphemia. She will be helping you get cleaned up and changed into some better clothes. Is that okay with you?" He asked, the little girl remaining silent as she eyed Euphemia.

Said woman was standing there patiently, a kind smile on her face but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes as she looked at the little girl.

Back when Sirius dropped her off at the orphanage, Euphemia couldn't believe that he would do such a thing. Her son was going through a lot himself, and he kept Harry with him. But seeing Bella now made her sick to her stomach, knowing that it was Sirius that put her in that awful place.

"I understand that you may not trust me, and I completely understand. Regulus thought it would be more appropriate for me to help bathe you. Regulus mentioned that you have a bruise on your ankle, would it be alright if I take a look at it?" Euphemia asked kindly, waiting patiently for the girl to respond.

Bella didn't move from her spot on the bed, her eyes flickered over to Regulus almost as if asking him if she can trust the woman.

"Euphemia is the most trustworthy person that I know, darling. She'll take great care of you, I give you my word" That seemed to sit well with Bella, and she slowly pulled the blanket off her body before moving closer to the end of the bed. Euphemia had to hold in the gasp that was lodged in her throat, her eyes flickering over Bella's frail body.

Bella raised her pant leg, showing the Potter woman her bruised ankle. Euphemia knelt onto the soft carpet and moved closer to get a better look. She moved her hand to touch Bella's ankle but stopped and looked up at the girl.

"Is it alright if I touch your ankle? I need to feel for any fractures or breaks, and I will warn you that it may hurt" Euphemia warned gently.

"Otay" Bella whispered, and Euphemia gently took her ankle into her hand.

Bella flinched slightly, not at all used to someone being so gentle with her. Both the Potter and male Black seemed to notice this, which made them feel worse.

"I am happy to say that your ankle isn't broken or fractured. It's just bruised and luckily we can easily fix this with a bit of magic" The woman smiled, hovering her hand over the bruise and Bella gasped when she saw that the bruise was now gone. Euphemia would've used her wand, but she feels that Bella may get startled by it.

"How does that feel, Bella?" Regulus asked, chuckling softly as he watched Bella poke at her no longer injured ankle.

Bella looked up at him, her eyes seeming a bit brighter then before. She then turned to Euphemia, slowly leaning forward and rested her forehead against the woman's.

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