Is blood thicker than water?

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Veronica's pov.

I found myself standing Infront of the love of my love, reciting wedding vows. We are surrounded by friends and family.

As soon as the priest pronounces us wife and wife I remove the wedding veil. What's under it shock me. Whose under it shock me. Emily was under it smirking before she took the microphone from the priest.

"Veronica, did you really think you could successfully hide from the Mafia?
Let's watch a movie shall we?"

Said Arrow's Nanny Emily plugging a USB on the projector. Layla was on the screen with her hands and feet tied to the chair, looking badly beaten up.

"Whose more important to you Veronica?
Your rotten siblings or your wife?"

Said the masked Figure in the video as he placed a knife to Layla's throat.

"Please don't! Please! No. Bring Layla back she has nothing to do with this."

I said falling to my knees and sobbed into my hands. This can't be happening to me.

"Venice for Layla, you give us your brother's location and Layla lives."

Said Emily laughing evilly, looking down at me.

"No. I won't let my mother roll in her grave by selling out my siblings.
How much do you-'

I asked before getting cut off by Emily calling someone.

(Emily's call with a stranger on speaker phone)

Emily: boss she chose Venice, we can proceed to Plan B.

(Gun shot rings on the other end of the phone making Emily almost drop her phone.)

Boss: It's done. Such a pretty girl. Too bad your so called fiancee doesn't love you enough to save you. I'll send you another video.

Emily: okay boss. Wow that was quick I'll show it to Veronica.

(Boss hangs up)

Emily walked until she was right Infront of me. I had a plan to go save Layla I'm sure they are just bluffing to intimidate me.

"We don't make empty promises. See for yourself. Does this person look alive to you?"

Said Emily before smiling cruelly satisfied.

I covered my mouth in shock, a bullet to the head was a hopeless situation.
Layla is........dead. Emily won't leave here alive.

I got up taking a gun from one of my friends and finished the bullets in her body. When there were no bullets left. She opened her shirt to show me she was wearing a bullet proof vest.

"Veronica wake up! Veronica it's just a dream.
Get me some cold water now!"

Said someone from the background that I couldn't see.

A van parked and the masked people dropped Layla's body dead at my feet.
I immediately checked her pulse and breathing and her bruised skin was ice cold.

I screamed holding her dead cold body. I should of just handed my siblings in! We not close enough for them to be a priority before Layla.

"Here's a gun Veronica. You can join your beloved."

Said Emily laughing like a bloody hyena.

Than all of a sudden everything disappears and I'm ice cold.

"Veronica! Get up. Why is she not waking up?!??!!!!"

Screamed Layla fustrated and emotional.

"I don't know this is not normal! We've tried everything."

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