Chapter 7 - Side Tracked

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A/N - Any chapter that involves an actual episode like this one I'm going to try to recreate to the best of my ability, but any duels are gonna be written a little funny cause, well to be honest I don't really know how to write them out... T-T anyway, please enjoy

"A new game shop, ya say?" Joey said as he leaned his chin on his hand. "Yeah, we saw it when we met up at Yugi's." Tea said as she sat on the desk behind her. "Yugi's grandpa was pretty hell bent on us not going there though. I guess it's been stealing all of his customers." (Y/n) said with a small frown as she glanced at Yugi. "Yeah, he was pretty upset about it." Yugi said with a sigh.

The group looked over at the door as they heard loud noises coming from the other classroom. "What's going on over there?" Tristan said as the group got up to check out the noise. "(L/n)?" the teacher announced as he peaked his head into the room. "Yes sir?" (Y/n) asked as she pointed at herself. "You've got a call at the office." he said. (Y/n) sighed as she looked at the others. "I guess I'll catch up with you guys later, tell me what happens!" she exclaims as she makes her way down the hall.

(Y/n) frowned as she heard more commotion coming from behind her, she really hoped she wasn't missing anything fun. She pouted a bit at the thought as she made her way into the office. "(Y/n) (L/n), I was told I have a phone call?" she informed the receptionist. She was given a small smile as she was handed the receiver. "It's your mother, don't worry though, I was told it's not an emergency."

(Y/n) frowned as she took the phone and held it up. "Mother? Did something come up?" she asked, expecting to be told they're going away again. "No dear, your father and I are gonna be held up at work longer than we expected, so you're going to have to get our groceries and run our other errands." (Y/n) sighed as she leaned to her side. "Alright, I'm assuming the emergency card is in its usual place then..." she mumbled as she turned away from the receptionist. "Of course, the list is written on the white board on the fridge and you know what our other errands are." the monotone voice stated. "Yes mother, your dry cleaning, the mail, etc etc." (Y/n) said with a roll of her eyes. "Good, don't wait up for us, and use the card to get yourself dinner since you'll be doing this for us."

(Y/n) leaned her head to the side as she shifted her body to lean to the other side. "That works for me." "Good, thanks (Y/n)." before she could say good bye, or anything else really, the line was cut off. She sighed as she handed the phone back to the receptionist. "You're running errands for your parents. I wish my kids where as sweet as you." The woman said with a bright smile. (Y/n) thinned her lips as she nodded her head before leaving.

She crossed her arms over her chest as she sighed. All of those errands are going to take a while, at least she wouldn't have to worry about doing any dishes tonight though, since she was told she could eat out with the card.

As she walked back into her classroom, she looked up with wide eyes at the loud noises coming from her group of friends. "Hey guys, what'd I miss?" she asked as she comes up from behind Joey. "Oh you know, Joey got himself into trouble again." Tea said as she rolled her eyes. "The owner of that new game shop is in the class next to us, and Joey challenged him to a duel." Yugi said as she sat next to him. "Yeah, if Joey win's then Duke will have to shut down the game shop, but if Joey loses then he has to do whatever Duke tells him to do for a week." Tristan said as he punched Joey's shoulder. (Y/n) looked up at Joey with a frown, seeing him still riled up from their encounter with this Duke guy. "Oh..." she said sadly.

Joey blinked as he turned to look at her. "Oh...? What's wrong? You feel bad for this guy? You think I can't beat him?" Joey said as he leaned closer to her, giving her his signature scary  look. (Y/n) chuckled as she pushed him back. "No! Of course I know you'll beat him! It's just that I can't watch your duel!" she said in between laughs. "What! Why not!?!" Joey exclaimed with a pout. "That call I got, my parents are gonna be late from work and they had a lot of errands to run.... So I've gotta do it." (Y/n) said with a shrug.

The bell rang, signaling free period was over, forcing everyone back into their seats. "Don't worry, (Y/n). I'll tell you all about how I won!" Joey said confidently. (Y/n) giggled as she nodded her head. "I can't wait to hear it." she said softly as the teacher walked into the room and started their next class.

~Later - After School~
I let out a deep breath as I shut and locked the door to the apartment. "Man, that would have been so much easier to carry all of that stuff here if I had a car." (Y/n) said with a pout. "Its a good thing I brought my bag with me to carry half of it." she said as she made her way out of the building.

(Y/n) was glad her mother told her she could use the card to buy herself dinner with, causing carrying all of that stuff really made her hungry. She placed a hand on her stomach as it growled loud enough for her to hear. "Now, to find a place to eat at." she said as she walked out of the apartment complex.

As she walked down the street, she thought of all of the places Joey and the others had shown her the first week she moved here. "I could really go for a burger actually." she said thoughtfully as she remembered that one burger joint Yugi showed her. She licked her lips as she rounded the corner to make her way there.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened though at the large crowd in front of the new game shop. "I wonder what's going on over there..." she mumbled as she moved closer to the crowd, completely forgetting about how hungry she was a moment ago. She grunted as she made her way through the crowd and towards the large tv's at the store front. Her eyes widened more as she made it to the front and saw what was going on. "That's Joey!" she exclaimed as she got as close to the screen as she could. "And he's losing!"

(Y/n) looked around frantically for someone who worked at the shop to figure out where her friend was. "Excuse me! That's my friend in that duel! I need to be there for him, please!" she pleaded as she slammed her hands onto the counter. The employee flinched back at the loud sound before looking at the girl with wide eyes. "I'm sorry miss, for safety reason's we can't allow people to enter the duel arena's in the middle of a duel." the man explained as (Y/n) frowned. "Well... can you take me to them when the duel ends?" she asked as she leaned back from the counter, hoping the sad puppy dog look in her eyes would sway him more. He scratched the back of his head as he stared at her. "Well... I'll call the boss to see, but there's another duel scheduled after this one, so it'll be up to him..." (Y/n) smiled wide at the employee before giving him a small bow. "Thank you! I really appreciate it!"

(Y/n) bit her lip as she turned towards a screen near the counter she was at as she waited to hear back from the employee. She clenched her fists in front of her chest as she watched the duel between Joey and the guy he must have challenged earlier. She bit her lip harder as she watched Joey lose the duel. She clenched her fists tighter, causing her knuckles to turn white. She should have been there to cheer him on! "Young lady, the boss says its okay for you to come down to the duel arena, but I've gotta get you down there quick before the next duel starts!" the employee from before states as he motions for her to follow him. "Thank you!" she exclaimed again as she followed after him. As she followed after him, she wondered who would be in the next duel, unless Joey had already asked for a rematch? But that didn't make sense...

(Y/n) shook her head as she was brought to an elevator. "Alright, this will take you straight to the duel arena your friends are in, so don't touch anything alright." (Y/n) nodded her head as the doors shut in front of her. She clenched her fist again as she stared at the doors in front of her, all she could do was wait now...

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