Chapter 5 - A Part of the Group

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The group had spent the weekend showing (Y/n) around the city more and showing her all of their favorite hang out spots. Mostly they hung out at the game shop and played games though. They had played a lot of board games that they were all able to play together, but there was one game she would see them playing together during free period that intrigued her more.

She sat beside Joey as he held up a handful of cards, sitting across from Yugi. They were currently playing Duel Monsters during their free period. "Alright Yug, I think I've got this game in the bag!" Joey exclaimed as he placed down a monster card. (Y/n) tilted her head to the side as she looked over at Yugi, who looked as calm as ever whenever she watched them play. "Sorry Joey, but I think I win this time." he said as he flipped over one of the cards he had faced down on his desk. Joey balked before slouching in his chair. "Aw man, I thought I had you that time." he said as he sat back up and started to collect his cards.

"Wait, what happened? How did Joey lose?" (Y/n) asked innocently as she looked between Yugi and Joey. Joey's eyes widened as he leaned closer to her. "Have you never played Duel Monsters?" he asked her. She shook her head as she leaned back a little, looking over at Yugi. "Well, I beat Joey because the trap card I had set lowered his monsters attack power, making it weaker than my monster that he was attacking - and since it was lower than my monster, it took away his life points instead of mine." Yugi explained. I smiled as I nodded my head, understanding what had happened. "I see, that makes sense." 

(Y/n) looked up, smiling at Tea and Tristan who were sitting across from her. "Do you guys play too?" she asked them. "I play sometimes, but mostly just with these guys." Tea explained as she pulled out a deck of cards from her bag. "I don't really play that much, but I do have some cards." Tristan said with a small shrug. "I mostly know the rules because I watch these two play a lot." "Yeah, Joey and Yugi are the real duelist here. They one first and second at Duelist Kingdom!" Tea exclaimed, causing Yugi to blush in embarrassment and Joey to start gloating.

"You guys were finalist in a tournament?" (Y/n) said, surprised. "Yeah, that's were I got the money for Serenity's operation!" Joey said, full of pride. "Of course, Yugi won the tournament, but he gave me the prize money." (Y/n) turned to face Yugi with wide, sparkling eyes. "You did that for Joey!"

Yugi scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, chuckling slightly. "Well, Joey's my best friend, he needed the money more than I did." Yugi said with a small shrug. "It really wasn't that big of a deal." (Y/n) leaned forward as she took his hands in hers. "Yugi, you saved Serenity's eye sight! Its a great big deal to her, Joey, and me!" she exclaimed, causing the tri-colored haired boy to blush at how close she had gotten. "What you did was so incredibly selfless, its something Joey, Serenity, nor I will ever forget!" (Y/n) said with such sincerity.

Yugi stared into her eyes for a while before smiling at her, giving her hands a small squeeze. "Serenity really means a lot to you too, doesn't she." (Y/n) sniffled a little as she let go of his hands and leaned back again. "Sorry, she's like a little sister to me. I got a little too emotional." she said as she tried to wave the tears that had started to build in her eyes away. Yugi chuckled as he watched Joey wrap his arm around her shoulders and pull her to his side. "Don't sweat it, I cried when Yugi gave me the prize money after the tournament too!" 

(Y/n) laughed as she leaned into Joey's side. "We're both just a couple a saps apparently!" After a while, Joey let her go so she could sit in her seat properly again. "Since you've shown an interest in Duel Monsters, we can get you some cards from the game shop! Then we can teach you how to play!" Joey exclaimed as he went back to collecting his cards. (Y/n) frowned a little as she helped Yugi collect his cards. "Oh... Well, I don't have a lot of money on me right now, so... maybe later I can." she said with a small smile. "Bummer, but hey, when you do, we'll help you put together a good deck and teach ya! You'll be playing in tournaments with us in no time!" Joey said as he gave her shoulder a playful punch. (Y/n) laughed as the bell went off, signaling the next class was going to start. "I don't think I'll ever be that good, but I'd still love to play with you guys!" As everyone moved the desks back and went to their seats, Yugi sat at his desk and thought for a while. He stared at the back of (Y/n)'s head as he was in deep thought. "Something on your mind Yugi?" Yami asked as he floated next to him. Yugi smiled slightly as he shook his head.

~The Next Day~
It was free period again, and the crew as moved the desks to play another game of Duel Monsters. As Joey sat down at one of the desk, Yugi pulled out a deck from his bag. "Wait Joey, I think Tea should play today." Yugi said as he placed the deck on the desk next to him. Joey looked up at his friend then smirked a little. "Oh, okay Yug, that's okay with me." he said with a small shrug before standing back up. Yugi blushed slightly as he waved his hands. "No, I'm not dueling her. (Y/n) will!" he explained, causing everyone to look at him in surprise. "Me? But, I don't have any cards Yugi." (Y/n) said, pointing at herself.

Yugi smiled as he turned to face her, picking the deck back up. "I know, you looked so interested in playing with us though. So I made you a deck." Yugi said with a small shrug. (Y/n) stared at him wide eyed as he handed her the deck of cards. She stared at him for a moment before looking down at the cards in her hand and going through them. "I didn't know what kind of monster type you might want to play, so I went with a simple Beast monster type for you to at least learn with." Yugi said as she looked through the cards. "Yugi... you didn't have to waste your money on me like this..." (Y/n) said with a small frown, starting to feel a little guilty at the thought of Yugi spending more money on her.

Yugi waved his hands as he frowned. "Oh, no! I didn't buy new cards to do this, I promise! I actually have a lot of Duel Monster's cards. So I had plenty to make you your own deck to start off with!" Yugi explained, causing the girl the smile again. "Oh, well if that's the case, then thank you Yugi!" she exclaimed as she hugged him. Yugi chuckled as he returned the hug. "That's why I think Tea should play, she's usually good at helping." Yugi said as he pulled out the chair for (Y/n) to sit in. "Don't worry (Y/n), I'll go easy on you." Tea said with a wink as she sat down. (Y/n) laughed as she shuffled her cards. "Don't go too easy, I'll never learn how to play otherwise!"

The group spent their whole free period teaching (Y/n) how to play the game and what the cards can do. The smile on (Y/n)'s face never left, she was having so much fun with her new friends. Every time her gaze landed on Yugi, she felt her heart skip a beat. She groaned as the bell rang, signaling that class was going to start again. "Aw man, I wanted to play some more." she said with a pout as they all got up to move the desks back. "Don't worry, we can all meet up at Yug's and play at his place!" Joey suggested as they all sat down for class. "Yeah! You were really starting to get the hang out Duel Monsters too!" Yugi said. "Then its settled, we'll play more after school." Tea said as she looked behind her, smiling at her friends. (Y/n) smiled wide as she nodded her head. As class started, she glanced at all of her new friends, smiling warmly. She really felt like part of the group now.

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