Chapter 5

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*Katsumi's POV*
Auntie Inko has finished making dinner, she called us in to eat. I have always loved her food, probably one of the best cooks I have ever met. Once we all sat down, Izu's father started to say something.
"So we have something to tell you 3." He pointed at my siblings and I. I glanced at Izuku and Tenno and saw that they had their eyes wide. I'm guessing they know what this is about.
"When we tell you this please sit down and think about it." Auntie Inko said, she looked worried. My siblings agreed and I just nodded.
"So you all know about the villains who attack the heroes and all that stuff." Uncle Hisashi said, we all nodded. "Well, I'm the leader of a group of villains called the League of Villains. And your parents joined."
"What?" Himiko said, we all looked shock, besides his sons. "So, what you are saying is that our parents were villains?" He nodded.
Wow, this sure is a lot to take in.
"We have enemies besides the heroes," he continued, "they were the ones that we are guessing killed your parents."
...what? This is all to much to take.
"It makes sense now..." Kazo said, "I saw them leaving the house at night for some reason. And that out dad suddenly had more quirks then he normally has..."
Of course! Kazo figured it out! Those bastards killed them.
And here is a spoiler for the future. I may or may not kill them, or maybe they will kill me. But, that's in the future. So back to this story!
I felt tears in my eyes. Why? Why does this have to happen to me?! "I'm going to my room." I got up and started to walk towards the room that I am staying in. I heard them calling my name but I just continued to walk.
I closed the door behind me and jumped on the bed and started crying. I just cried and cried until, I heard a knock on the door. "Go a-away." I said, I was still crying and wiped them away as soon as the person walked in after I said not to. How rude.
It was Izu. I should have known.
He didn't say anything. He just motioned me to come closer. I did. I scooted over and he hugged me. I cried onto his chest and he hugged me.
It stayed like this for an hour. Just the sound of my tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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