Chapter 2

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My mother walked downstairs, "Oh, are the Midoriyas here?" She asked.

"Yep!" my brother answered her.

My dad turned the door knob and looked around, "No one's here..?"

BOOM! The house came falling down. 

"What the-" my mother said with her eyes wide. "Masaru, get the kids out of here!"

My dad had... teleported us out of here? But I didn't have time to figure out how he had 2 quirks. Kazo tried to run back to the house. But somehow there was a force field.

"What the..." Kazo said, he kept trying to get out of the force field.

"Kazo stop!" Himiko said she had tears in here eyes, she knew what was happening. "Isn't it obvious? Mom and dad are basically sacrificing their lives!"

I felt tears burning in my eyes. "Wha- what?"

"Which means we have to help them!" Kazo said, "We can't lose them!"

The last few parts of our house fell down. Himiko didn't even try to stop Kazo from hurting himself, while trying to get out of the force field. Himiko hugged me while we both cried.

Then, finally... the force field disappeared. Kazo looked shocked for a second then pushed that aside and ran towards our "house". 

Himiko sighed, "He doesn't get it, they're gone." she said it bitterly, "That's why the force field disappeared.", she continued to hug me. "Come on. Let's go find Kazo."

I nodded, my sister held my hand and lead me to Kazo. He was standing there frozen. His hair was messed up and he had tears in his eyes. "You were right Himiko..." he said.

Himiko froze when she looked down. "Oh my...". she started crying again, she let go of my hand and buried her face in her hand, ruining her makeup with her tears.

I finally looked down and there was the dead bodies of my parents.

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