❝make sure to buy all my merch, kay?❞

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Ukiyo Yusei

26, born on August 12th.


Onstage, in front of a crowd, Yusei is an over the top, bubbly, friendly and passionate idol. He plays into the role of feigned innocence and naivety for the sake of fame and wealth. His act is what gained popularity and he'll be damned if he breaks now. He'll do whatever it takes to ensure that his image is upheld in the public eye as the cute, adorable idol that prances around a stage in frilly outfits.

Behind the scenes, however, Yusei is nothing like his front. Instead, he's brash, judgmental and a straight up jerk. He cares little for his fans and even less that they spend thousands to keep his career going. All that cheesy crap makes him sick to his stomach. He joined the industry because his parents knew he was cute, that he'd make money on stage in front of a crowd. He would have to agree, but that didn't mean he didn't detest his position.

To be fair, he does enjoy the attention most of the time. He's grown accustomed to it by now. If the media isn't talking about him, something is definitely wrong. But he also can't help but want to runaway from it as well. He cant seem to make up his mind.

Overall, he's arrogant. He knows he can get away with anything he really wants, so long as he puts on a cute enough act.

If he likes you, he'll spoil you rotten. He has so much money he doesn't really know what to do with it, so he tends to give it away rather than hoard it for himself. He's well aware he's filthy rich by now.

The better question is what aren't his worst qualities? He's too full of himself, pouts and whines when he doesn't get what he wants, uncaring towards people who don't interest him... the list goes on.


You'd never guess he's nearly pushing his 30s. He's exceptionally youthful, which makes him perfect for his job. He rather cute, baby faced and he knows it, taking advantage of his youthful glow whenever he can.

His hair is jet black, cut short but still fluffy with volume. His skin is perfect with no bumps or blemishes, his lashes long and thick. His eyes are a deep brown that almost look black, but he tends to wear contacts lenses to make them blue instead.

He's slim, as his career demands he be. He doesn't have trouble maintaining his preferred shape either, considering his absurd metabolism. He stands at about 5'3, give or take.

From a young age, Yusei has always been a performer. He was famous by the time he was 12, singing and dancing on television for some kids show. His career took off soon after and by the age of 16 he's been in front of the spotlight every waking moment of his life.

The entertainment industry is harsh. It tore him apart, his love for music dying with the light in his eyes. Soon, he began to detest the grown men and woman who attended his concerts, his fan meets. Disgust coiled him like a snake ready to swallow him whole.

He grew cold. No longer was he the eager young boy he started out as. He'd been sucked dry of his childhood and now he held only resentment for those who forced him to where he was now.

Non consensual acts between the main couple
weird body fluid stuff



You have been a huge fan of Ukiyo Yusei since you were a kid. You had posters, pillows, makeup, clothes, every single piece of fan merch you could possibly get your hands on in your room. You never dared tell anyone of your... interest; a little too embarrassed. It was a miracle no one had found yet, considering all the merch you had and the fact that you'd only missed 4 concerts and 2 fan meets in your entire life.

It just so happened that you managed to snag tickets to one of his concerts in his home city. It worked out since you happened to also live there. It was a win-win.

You'd gotten to the venue early, like many others had as well. You weren't worried though, since you had front row seats reserved and waiting for you.

The performance was amazing as always. Yusei looked stunning and his stage presence was incredible as usual. You nearly fainted when you swore he made eye contact with you specifically and winked.

After the performance, fans were flooding out of the venue in droves.

You walked off towards the side of the crowd, sitting down on a bench a little ways away. There was another man there, seemingly also just gotten out of the venue. He was slightly hunched with a cigarette between his lips, a large hoodie pulled over his head.

"Uhm, great show, right?" You begin, trying to start some small talk with a fellow Ukiyo Yusei enjoyer. "Are you a big fan?"

The man remains silent for a moment before he stuffs out his cigarette and gets ups.

"Yeah, something like that," He drawls, stuffing his hands in his pockets before he begins to walk off.

Out of seemingly nowhere, a rather harsh gust of wind blows in the pairs direction. One thing leads to another and the man's hoodie is blown off his head.

Eyes wide, standing right in front of you, is Ukiyo Yusei himself.



You have been Yusei's bodyguard for a year. Since then, you've grown rather close with the idol. He complained endlessly to you, confining in you regularly. It was almost second nature for him to come up to you and simply drape himself over you like he was come kind of blanket.

Today, was not unlike most.

"Ugh, my hand hurts. Can't they just make my signature a stamp instead so I don't have to write it on ever single one of these stupid things," Yusei whined as he rolled his wrist around, pen still in hand as he shoved the album he'd been signing over towards the other signed ones. It was only 10 albums he had to sign since they were inclusive. But you didn't say that out loud.

"[C/N]," He huffed as he signed the final album, slumping back in his chair. "Let's go do something fun. I don't want to look at another album for the next 5 years."

Yusei's usual idea of 'fun' was getting so pissed he couldn't walk straight for hours. You, on the other hand, had other plans.



make one up!

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