❝whats the matter? cat got your tongue?❞

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Auburn Hopper

He would prefer to keep his age to himself for now. He was born on August 1st.


Auburn is a smug, know it all who enjoys getting under people's skin. He's a chill dude who doesn't let a lot of stuff get to him. Typically he's able to keep a level head and rarely loses his cool. He has that typical cool guy aura about him.

He's a bit of a social butterfly who seems to know everyone and everyone seems to know him too. Even people you wouldn't think of talking with know him. Most people describe him to be a very nice guy, even if he is a bit cheeky at times. Nothing he does has any malice behind it, he only wants to have fun.

No one truly knows how he gets by since you can usually find him wandering around down with seemingly no destination in mind, simply going with the flow.

Auburn dislikes the cold more than anything, which you find ironic since his skin is ice cold at all times of the day. He says that summer is the best time of the year since more animals are out and about.

His cunning and willingness to do new things makes him an excellent person to hang out with.

His chill personality may also be his down fall. He takes things far too lightly and because of that people do end up getting hurt.


Aurburn has long black hair tied in various braids. Sometimes he'll throw them up in a ponytail if he's feeling it.

His skin is dark, adored by many dark freckles. He has two deep dimples on either side of his cheeks that are very noticeable, especially if he smiles. His canines are abnormally sharp but no one pays enough attention to him for anyone to really notice.

His eyes are brown and he has quite thick eyebrows, all dark. However you swear sometimes you see his eyes turn a bright yellow-green.

His body is pretty muscular. With all the walking he does you suppose it makes sense for him to be pretty toned. It almost makes you envious.

Auburn was rather young when he was bitten. He was dying and a man approached him, declaring that he could save his life if he promised to obey his every word. When you're dying, you don't really think too much when someone offers to let you live.

Soon he was serving under another vampire by the name of Ryozo. He spent years doing his bidding, killing who he was told, silencing whoever spoke out of turn. It was a torturous first few hundred years.

However, when Ryozo ordered him to kill a small family for not paying him for their debt, he killed his master.

Auburn lived on the run from Ryozo's other grunts for years before he finally settled down in a small town called Northfall.

Nonconsensual acts between the main pairing
weird body fluid stuff


You always see Auburn walking around the town. He was well known and the townspeople loved him to death. You didn't buy his act.

It all started when animals began turning up, all suspiciously drained of blood. People thought it might be some kind of animal, but you didn't think so. For whatever reason Auburn never seemed as alarmed as everyone else. It made you raise an eyebrow every time.

Now after you finally cornered him it was time to get some answers. His relaxed, lazy smile pissed you off to no ends.

"Fess up, Auburn Hopper! What exactly are you? A monster?"

Auburn's smile widened as he leaned in close, his breath against your cheek.

"And what if i was?"


Make one up! Usually I would have 2 prompts to choose from, but Auburn is surprisingly hard to write for!! •᷄ ρ•᷅

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