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congrats youre an ISFP !!

ISFPs lead with Introverted Feeling (Fi), which guides them in making decisions based on their deeply held values and emotions

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ISFPs lead with Introverted Feeling (Fi), which guides them in making decisions based on their deeply held values and emotions. They engage with their environment using Extraverted Sensing (Se), enjoying sensory experiences and appreciating beauty in the world around them. Their tertiary function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), allows them to envision possibilities and make intuitive connections, though it may be secondary to their dominant and auxiliary functions. ISFPs may struggle with Extraverted Thinking (Te), sometimes finding it challenging to be assertive or organize their thoughts in a logical, systematic manner. They are artistic, compassionate individuals who value authenticity and personal expression.

(keep reading I like to start with memes first)

(keep reading I like to start with memes first)

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Cognitive Functions:

Dominant: Introverted Feeling (Fi) - ISFPs have a strong sense of personal values and principles, which guide their decision-making.Auxiliary: Extraverted Sensing (Se) - ISFPs are attuned to the immediate, sensory experiences around them and enjoy living in the present moment.Tertiary: Introverted Intuition (Ni) - ISFPs have an intuitive understanding of patterns and meanings, though this function is less developed.Inferior: Extraverted Thinking (Te) - ISFPs can struggle with organizing information, making objective judgments, and following through on practical tasks.

Most Known Celebrities:

Billie EilishHarry StylesKendall Jenner

Most Known Fictional Characters:

Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)Rue (The Hunger Games)Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)


Difficulty expressing themselves verbally - ISFPs may struggle to articulate their thoughts and feelings, especially in high-pressure situations.Tendency to avoid conflict - ISFPs often go to great lengths to maintain harmony, even if it means suppressing their own needs and opinions.Procrastination and disorganization - ISFPs may have trouble keeping track of tasks and following through on practical responsibilities.

To Improve Weaknesses:

Practice expressing your feelings and opinions in a calm, assertive manner.Develop strategies to address conflicts in a constructive, authentic way.Implement organizational systems and routines to help you stay on top of your responsibilities.


Adaptable and spontaneous - ISFPs excel at living in the moment and responding intuitively to changing circumstances.Empathetic and nurturing - ISFPs have a deep understanding of the emotional needs of those around them and strive to provide support.Artistic and creative - ISFPs have a keen eye for beauty and a natural talent for expressing themselves through artistic mediums.

To Enhance Strengths:

Continue to embrace your adaptability and spontaneity, allowing you to seize new opportunities.Channel your empathy and nurturing nature to build meaningful, supportive relationships.Cultivate your artistic and creative abilities, exploring different forms of self-expression.

Phrases an ISFP Might Say:

"I don't know, I'm just going with the flow, you know?""I get what you're going through, I'm here if you need to talk.""That painting really speaks to me on a deeper level.""I'd rather not argue about this, let's just move on.""I'll get to that eventually, no need to rush."

ISFPs in Romance/Friendships:

In romantic relationships, ISFPs value emotional intimacy, shared experiences, and the freedom to express their unique selves. They may struggle to clearly communicate their needs but demonstrate their affection through thoughtful gestures.As friends, ISFPs are loyal, compassionate, and attuned to the subtle emotional cues of their loved ones. They enjoy engaging in creative activities and exploring new sensory experiences together.

Key Takeaways:

ISFPs are adaptable, empathetic, and artistic individuals who are guided by their strong personal values and a desire to live in the present moment.They excel at responding intuitively to changing circumstances, providing emotional support, and expressing themselves through creative outlets.ISFPs may struggle with verbal communication, conflict avoidance, and practical organization, but can work on developing strategies to address these weaknesses.Embracing their strengths and addressing their weaknesses can help ISFPs build fulfilling personal and professional relationships.

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