3[B] If you picked Se or Ne (finding your introverted function)

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Confirming you're in the right place, you picked either Se (extroverted sensing) or Ne (extroverted intuition) on the last question

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Confirming you're in the right place, you picked either Se (extroverted sensing) or Ne (extroverted intuition) on the last question. remember what your first function was, it should be easy since there are only two in this part.

Now, time to figure out which introverted function pairs with your extroverted one.

For this one, choose which function seems more like you/ the person that you're typing.
Keep in mind: out of the two, pick the one that matches the most, it's common for two to stand out, but ask yourself this also: which one would my family/friends pick for me?

Introverted Feeling (Fi) Individualistic, authentic, compassionate & driven by their values.
Feels things differently & are focused on wanting to make a difference. Exceptional listeners & strive to be "real" & open-minded.


Introverted Thinking (Ti) Objective & analytical.
Doesn't care about authority admiration; has an independent standard to meet. Less focused on rules & structures. Focused on forming their own blueprint of how the world works.

If you figured it out and settled on one of the options: WHERE TO GO NEXT

If your first function was Se and you picked Fi -> Go to 4E

If your first function was Ne and you picked Fi -> Go to 4F

If your first function was Se and you picked Ti -> Go to 4G

If your first function was Ne and you picked Ti -> Go to 4H

"I still have no idea at all" -> Keep reading :)

If you chose to keep reading, welcome to another section of: DEEPER EXPLANATIONS FOR THE INDECISIVE ---(with love, this was me too)

Fi, from what i've read, is about gut reactions towards external information, a constant awareness of ones own emotional state and listening to people with your entire brain. Dominant Fi users have an excellent ability to see the heart of people, relative to their intelligence. Ti is all about seeing things from multiple perspectives, forming logical arguments/seeing loopholes and being aware of the subtle differences between two things. Dominant Ti users have an excellent ability to break complex situations into their core parts and use this to understand the presented situation, relative to their intelligence. People with strong Fi have the ability to remain true to who they are and what they believe in even in trying circumstances. People with strong Ti have the ability to remain detached and make objective decisions even when it may hurt the people close to them. They are similar in the sense that theoretically both types are capable of ignoring whats going on around them and do what they think is the right thing to do.

Ti: That's illogical, I don't care if it's the right thing to do, I'm not doing it.
takes logic as a given and responds to them in a way that makes their own logic priority to everything. If they feel something is illogical they will be adamant against it. They will be adamant against doing things illogical. Submissive to logic

Fi: That goes against my morals. I don't care if it makes sense, I'm not doing it.
takes emotions as a given and respond to them in a manner that makes their emotions priority to everything. If they feel a certain way about something it is all that matters. They will be adamant about things that make them feel bad. Submissive to own emotions.


If your first function was Se and you picked Fi -> Go to 4E

If your first function was Ne and you picked Fi -> Go to 4F

If your first function was Se and you picked Ti -> Go to 4G

If your first function was Ne and you picked Ti -> Go to 4H

If you still aren't sure -> feel free to dm or comment on here or my board.

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