[4D] the NFJs (Fe-Ni)

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Welcome to the last step of typing your MBTI!

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Welcome to the last step of typing your MBTI!

People familiar with mbti's might notice that the only letter left now is either the I or E (introvert and extrovert) but typing by cognitive functions are much more than that.

it's important to know that introversion and extroversion is much more than being just talkative or shy (believe it or not, a shy person can still be an extrovert) So don't skip this step.

Last question will be:

What are you like when stressed?
Remember: this is unconscious, and for the best outcome, the answer to this question should be valued by the opinion on a friend/family member. (No harm in choosing for yourself also)

Ti: Can become detached & seek evidence of "wrong-doing" of others to correct relationship problems. Can think in circles analyzing an issue.

Se: Will lose focus & ability to see from a global perspective. May become impulsive & over-indulgent (over-eating, heavy drinking, etc.)


If you picked Se--> go to INFJ (T7)

If you picked Ti--> go to ENFJ (T8)


You can either research online, or read my summary on your type! Finding your accurate type is so useful for helping with bad habits, or even when you want to understand yourself or others.

Something to remember: No one will fit exactly 100 percent into one MBTI, check out what your result was, and if the majory resonates, then great. If not, feel free to either comment here or on my page or DM me with what resonates and what doesn't and I can help you figure out your type :)

If you're here for the fun or want addditional information: I have additional info, memes, and more about the types :) Hope you had fun with this, and I'm always open to feedback about how well this worked for you. Thannks for taking this testt!

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