14 2 2

Poor Alex. Poor Connor. Poor us. Poor me.

Connor had managed to comfort Alex, and now we were sitting at the dining table discussing what we were going to do. 

"What did the police say?" Alex asked Connor, who was sitting across from him and me.

"That they'd put out a search, but if they did not find him within 24 hours they'd have to bring us into questioning,"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because they want to find out why he'd just leave us like that. Either he did it willingly, in which case it is considered abandonment, or he was forced, which means we'd have a whole new case on our hands." he said.

"What happens if the don't find him?" Alex said, "as in, never"

"They'd have to find a place for us," Connor said, "A foster home or an orphanage or something,"

"No!" I said. I suppose not all orphanages and such are bad, but I'd seen too many movies about them not to get that impression.

"Would we at least stay together?" Alex asked hopefully.

"They said they'd try, but it wasn't likely," Connor said sadly.

"Absolutely not!" I said. I knew that we'd probably be separated because of the gender barrier, and I already felt far enough from my brothers. I was not going to go off to a completely different family and leave them behind, with a chance of never even seeing them again.

"They can't separate us!" Alex exclaimed, "I'd rather like, run away into the woods or something!"

I knew that that was a terrible idea, but I agreed with my brother. We shouldn't be separated, we couldn't be separated, we wouldn't be separated.

"Lets just hope from the bottom of our hearts that they find him then," Connor said, although he didn't sound very hopeful.

So we waited. It was very boring.

Connor had been instructed to stay on the phone with the police, and they gave him updates every once in a while. We were told to stay inside and together.

Lacking anything else to do, I called Judy and Evelyn and updated them on the situation.

"So he just left?" Evelyn said, with a mouthful of spaghetti dinner. It was her that made me realize just how late it had gotten. It was almost 8.

"Yeah," I said.

Alex must have heard Evelyn's voice and decided to come and sit next to me on the couch and join our conversation. I didn't mind. He was a part of our friend group. Not as much as he used to be, but he was.

"Hi Alex!" Judy said cheerily, in her happy southern accent.

"Hey Jude, Evie." he said happily, trying to disguise his fear and hopelessness.

"Connor, come here!" I said, hoping to give Connor something to distract him.

"What?" I heard him respond from the kitchen.

"Add Eiffel to the call," I instructed my friends, "I'm going to go make dinner,"

"You okay?" Connor asked, rushing into the room.

"All good," I said, "just thought you'd want to talk to our friends for a bit while I make dinner,"

"Oh, Addy you don't have to-"

"It's okay, I like cooking."

With that, I left to the kitchen, leaving my friends to experience a hilariously awkward mix of compliments and apologies and attempted flirting between my brother and his girlfriend.

It was funny how hard Connor tried to be perfect. He was so constantly afraid of messing things up. He really liked that girl. You could tell.

I switched on the stove and made do with the very few non-meat products stocked in our refrigerator.


Author's Note

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! Sorry its so short, I did not have as much time this weekend to write any thing high quality (or at least as high quality as my writing gets) so I'll make sure Friday's update is good.

I think you can really start to see the plot go into play here, but don't worry, this is more then just a story about triplets running away. The title will make sense soon.

I would just like to shout out CatsRuleDogsDrool123, CatsTrulyRGreat, IThinkHipposAreGreat, and BunniesAreSuperior, for being very supportive on this story, and commenting, voting, and sending supportive messages on every chapter. I would also like to thank Girik-Sarkar, for leaving the very first comment I ever got. Finally, I would like to shout out all of my other readers. I still appreciate you, even if you are not one to comment and such. If you'd like a shout out next update, please send me a message. I know a shout out from me doesn't really mean that much, but I appreciate the support. Thank you all for inspiring me to keep this story going.

Okay, see y'all on Friday with a chapter from Connor!

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