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I found it very hard to sleep that night. Partly because I still had not recovered from my experience with the horses earlier today, partly because of what happened with Adelaide.

She had stepped in and helped me and Alex so that we would not lose the horses, or get hurt. She is so good with the animals, which is why I find it strange that Dad makes her stay inside. She loves the outdoors, definitely more than me and Alex.

That did not matter to our father though. All that mattered was that she was a girl, and girls were meant to stay inside to cook and clean and tend to the house.

I'd talked to Addy about it, but she said that it was completely fine, and that she did not mind. I knew that she was lying, something that Adelaide was very good at. I told her that I was going to talk to Dad about it, but she said that that was a bad idea, and that I shouldn't. 

I was not going to listen though.

I am the oldest, which means that it is my job to take care of my brother and sister. That's what I said to Adelaide. She disagreed. Yes, I'm not much older, but a couple of minutes is enough, right?

Everyone always thinks that it must be really cool to be triplets. Everyone but our father. In his eyes, it just means three times the trouble.

I am the oldest, then Adelaide, then Alex. Some might say I'm overprotective, but I think I'm as protective as necessary. This is precisely why I plan to talk to my dad about the way he treats my sister.

That's what was keeping me awake. I wanted to help her, I really did, but I didn't know if I could stand up to my father like that. I had to. I was going to. Tomorrow.

After finally falling asleep, I was having a pretty nice dream, which explains why I was frustrated to wake up, even if it was only two minutes before my alarm clock would have gone off anyway.

I dreamt about exploring the woods with my siblings. We would take the horses, and run away. We would be free. I dreamt about playing in the rivers and the trees. I dreamt about finding a kind person who would help to get us food and water to survive. We would stick together and be happy always. Life would be good.

We used to play out in the woods. Now Dad never let us. He said that it was dangerous, and that we had to stay here and tend to the farm anyway.

I wish I knew what changed in Dad. He used to be so supportive and fun-loving. now he sits around, reads newspapers, and yells at us all day. I miss the old Dad. I wish he was still like that. Because life is no fun when you have to do chores all day, with no hope of anything bigger.

Oh well. I suppose I'll just keep dreaming.

Today, I was supposed to talk to my father. I wanted him to treat us like children. His own children, who wanted love and support from their Dad. I did not know how that was going to go, but it was a conversation that needed to be had. 

And it was my responsibility to have it.


Author's Note

Thanks for reading! It really does mean a lot. I am going to try to update on Fridays, but sorry if it is late. Also, sorry that these chapters are so short. I am not very good at making longer parts, so hopefully this length is okay for y'all.

Okay, see you guys next Friday :)

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