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this is my first book bro. I'm gunna mess up so badly 😭

i have no ideas on this whatever ☆*: .。. or(≧▽≦)or .。.:*☆


(no one's pov in this chapter)

"comon charlie do i have to stay with him ?" Lucifer pointed at Alastor with disbelief while he just smiled at him. the same old creepy smile. 

"yes dad.. I really want you two to get along with each other and take care of the hotel!" Charlie sighed in annoyance looking at Lucifer then Alastor. Lucifer has a mad look on his face crossing his arms, he didn't want to look after the hotel with Alastor! 

"but why him out of all people?? cant you just make me work with someone else?.. anyone but alastor??" he looks at Alastor with an annoyed look on his face. he wanted to make his daughter proud but with Alastor? there's no way that's happening!

"come on dad just this once? i know you both don't get along.. much.. but its just for 2 weeks! im sure you'll be fine!" Charlie pleaded, Lucifer didn't like the idea a lot but he wanted to make Charlie happy for once. 

"Fine." Lucifer crossed his arms annoyed looking away from Charlie. 

"okay and PLEASE don't try to kill him?" Charlie was a little bit happier with her dad but still wanted to make sure he wouldn't try to or purposely kill Alastor.

Lucifer really didn't want to agree with this but he had no other choice. he groaned before speaking again. "alright.. i promise i won't 'try' to kill him i guess.." he sighed before Charlie hugged him in excitement. 

"okay see you soon dad!!" Charlie grabbed Vaggies hand waving goodbye and walking out the door. 

"-i .. ahh shit." Lucifer said to himself CLEARLY mad about this idea. He had to spend 2 weeks at this hotel with the radio demon. lucifer walked away from the door crossing his arms again angrily. "I don't want to be here 2 weeks with him! I shouldn't have agreed to this." 

Alastor was next to lucifer all of a sudden "well wasn't that interesting!" 

"kindly shut up and fuck off!" Lucifer turned around and looked up at the demon with a forced smile. alastor also giving him an annoyed look but the same old smile on his face seeming to already have some beef with each other not even a minuet after Charlie left with Vaggie. 


"so uh.. how long do you think it will take smiley face and short king to start fighting with each other?" angel looked at husk. his reaction was just a roll of eyes walking away from the tall spider. 

"ah come one! just give me a normal answer!!" angel followed husk with a pouting voice. 


after about a while of short insults to each other Lucifer had enough. :> 

he walked to his room flopping on the bed. he mutters to himself "this is going to be a long 2 weeks..." he wanted something better to do but was to tired to do so. he stared at the roof of a good 20 minuets before deciding 'hey I want to make some ducks'. :D 

he sat up on his bed before making one duck after the other. and the other. and the other... and the other..  he didn't seem to be sick of making a whole pile of ducks at all. he simply enjoyed it and often did it in his spare time. after about a good 5 minuets of making ducks 

"duck one.. duck two.. duck three.." lucifer counted all his ducks he made in the last five minuets. he was obviously kind of tired after counting all his ducks before laying doen on his bed and going to sleep. 



uh next chapter will be in 5 trillion years... :) 

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