The Aftermath

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"I... I can't believe it..."

Ghira let out a heavy sigh, sitting down in a propped up chair brought to the shore from one of the nearby houses. 

Full Frontal really was from spacial origins. He was an alien! But also human? What implications did this hold for Remnant's true past? After entering the mobile suit, much to the disagreement of the people in the crowd (most of all, including his own daughter), he proceeded to watch about 3 hours of footage. Many townspeople, unable to sleep, just stood by waiting for something to happen. And 3 hours later?

Well, now Ghira was just sitting in a lawn chair as he contemplated what he saw. He saw war. Violence. Tragedy. But most of all... 

Most of all...

Frontal exited his cockpit after re-powering the 'mobile suit' and having it sit more closely on the shore rather than the ocean, surprising a lot of villagers how much control he exercised over such a large machine. After making sure no one was going to attack him, he walked towards Ghira again.

"Is it true that despite having no difference in physical makeup, the humans on your 'Earth' still battle and demonize their differences? How can that be? The Faunus here have been discriminated against by humans for our... traits you pointed out earlier. But human vs human? Tell me, how does that come about in the scale you told me, and on top of that, with discrimination involved?" Ghira asked Frontal, who also sat down next to him on another lawn chair.

"Well, that's quite the story. One I'm sure I will tell you in detail in time. But the basics are that ever since humans from my planet conquered the solar system, there was a divide between those who lived in space, temporary refugees from Earth, and those that stayed on Earth, in terms of full rights and the such," Frontal replied, sipping on emergency rations he had found in the cockpit. He looked at the crowd that began to inspect his mobile suit. Most gave him a slight glare, and parents constantly had to remove their children from trying to climb the suit. 

"You'll have to forgive their anxieties, they trust my word but human presence on this island in general can still upset many of them," Ghira said, Frontal nodding in understanding soon after. 

"It's fine, if this really was Earth I'd expect the same reaction bar me also being in handcuffs," Frontal said back, leaving the thought as is.

Frontal then turned his eyes to two new people as they approached him and Ghira. One seemed to be related to Ghira, and the other was basically the opposite, sporting a monkey tail and bright blonde hair. 

"Woah dude, love the cool ride, wanna show me arou- agh!" began the yellow-haired one, before being interrupted by a jab in the side by his companion.

His companion, the girl with jet black hair, swiftly apologized for his question and said she wanted to chat.

"So, my dad told the people everything, and he's is typically never wrong about this stuff. The only questions I have for you, well, I need answered face-to-face... if that's alright of course. He said, um, that you were a freedom fighter for your people? As in, one that fought for your freedoms against a corrupt force, right?" she said, Frontal noticing she's dodging something larger.

Assuming it is what he thinks it is, Frontal sighs before laying it straight with her.

"I am not - and never was considered - a freedom fighter for my people. We pushed back against a larger force when we felt threatened, fought and killed our enemies, yes, but that's how it is during times of war," Frontal began, immediately feeling Blake become more weary at his description of killing people like it was just another job he had to do. Still, he continued on.

"Simply put, I was on a race against the 'corruption' you speak of to make sure the Spacenoids could earn the respect as a self-sustaining society. Meaning I wished for our people to stay separated, as I and so many others gave up true integration seen by multiple failed attempts on a grander scale in the past," Frontal finished, crossing his arms. 

After a moment of stunned silence from Blake, he stood up to face her, reaching behind his head to un-clasp his mask. Taking it off felt right in the moment, he thought, and he could sense Blake becoming more at ease once she saw soft human eyes, rather than the harsh red glow of the mask.

"Blake, I swear to you, I have no racial prejudice or unkind biases against anybody here. And no, it's not as if I gained some bloodlust against my enemies during the war. I was a soldier under my nation, and I followed my orders like a cog in the machine. Now, I'm just lost and could really use some sleep soon, if that's agreeable then I'd be open to any further questions," he stated calmly but confidently, creating a slight tone of professional business-talk in his voice. Full Frontal might've gained a small amount of emotion, but that made him no less someone who could utilize human empathy to garner favoritism.

Blake's brows softened, and she let out a small 'phew' before looking back at Frontal. 

"I'm glad to hear you didn't take enjoyment in killing during the war, but even so, I am still a bit startled about how you can say it so casually. But I suppose that's just a difference in culture, right? Haha..."

An awkward pause took place afterwards, Frontal looking back towards the coast once he knew Blake was finished with her piece.

Ghira smiled at his daughter for trying to understand Frontal. She had made much improvement during her time at Beacon, even if things ended poorly she seems to be more understanding of things she, well, doesn't understand. Ghira knew Frontal was just a soldier and fought for his cause, but much could be said about Adam. Something about Frontal made him seem so genuine though, not that Ghira could understand this resonance though.

Standing up himself, Ghira turned to Frontal. Frontal, even lost in thought, saw this and also turned towards Ghira.

"So, about your living arrangements. It seems like, um, well as I said a lot of the people still distrust you despite my word.  And on top of that, there's a strong possibility of Atlas coming to see what happened. I can try my best to be the only one they hear, but there's a strong possibility word can get out if they ask even one of the townspeople. I'll tell them you were just a meteorite that unfortunately shriveled up upon landfall, but we'll need to hide your 'mobile suit' and keep you hidden until then. We can probably hide the suit in the forest, and you'll stay with us for a bit if that's okay. But I must ask as well, you said your suit can fly? How did you end up crashing if that's the case?" Ghira asked, putting an arm around Blake to make sure she's okay. She looks up to her dad and hugs him back.

'Cute,' thought Full Frontal, putting his mask back on once again.

"Of course, I have no issues. And for your other question, it's only able to fly without a strong gravitational pull, otherwise the thrusters are only good for maneuverability during fights and can provide slightly higher jumps. Other than that, I'm a bird with clipped wings," Frontal said, watching as the three of them slightly cringe at his comment on the wings.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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