Salt-Water & Vanilla

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 I stared out the window over the coast. I could see the shoreline. We were close.

"Good Evening all passengers, this is Captain Smith speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts, we will be landing shortly." the intercom sputtered.

Knew it, I thought as I smiled. Tightening my seatbelt, I patiently looked out the window, anticipating arrival.

11:32 P.M.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" I smiled whilst rushing to the elderly couple.

They welcomed me with a warm embrace and welcoming smiles.

"How was the flight, honey?" Grandma asked as grandpa went to go get my bag.

"It was good." I responded. "I didn't get motion sick."

"That just means you're growing up." she smiled, pinching my cheeks.

"My god, look at you!" Grandpa exclaimed. "Does your mother not feed you anything?

"She tells me to fend for myself." I said, sarcasm painting my voice. "I have to hunt and collect berries."

"Alright, let's get on home, I'm sure you're tired, sweetheart." Grandma said as we walked to their car.

It was warm out here, much warmer than New York. Contrary to popular belief, I actually really like the Outer Banks. It's a simple life. I would know, I lived here until I was five with my mother and my grandparents. Then I moved out to New York with my mom.

I felt the breeze in my hair as we went by palm trees. I love my grandma and grandpa, I really do. Another reason I was so worried about staying in the Outer Banks was because I knew that they were getting older. I knew they couldn't go on long walks with me anymore or play with me at the park. I knew grandpa couldn't spend hours with me at the local museum and grandma couldn't spend all day at the beach anymore. I had to respect the fact they were aging; by no means did I like it. Time is a thief.

After about thirty minutes, we finally pulled into the driveway. I looked at the mid-sized white coastal house in awe. We got out of the car and I went to the back to get my suitcase and backpack, but my grandfather had beaten me to it.

"Grandpa, you're like 155. Let me take my bags?" I proposed.

"I ain't 155. I'm 156." he smiled.

You could take the strength out of the guy, but never the chivalry. I walked inside the house and was welcomed by the warm scent of vanilla and salt-water. I took my shoes off and placed them by the door. The dim golden lighting provided light for me to see the stairway.

"Your room is the first room on the right, pumpkin." Grandma said as Grandpa put my stuff up.

I nodded my head.

"Thanks guys." I smiled.

"Of course, sugar." Grandpa smiled. "You sure you don't want anything to eat?"

"I'm sure." I smiled.

I began going up the stairs and turned to the right to see the white door. I opened it and found my humble abode for the summer.

Sleep wasn't hitting, so I figured I might as well unpack. The room was midsized with dim golden lighting. There were two windows; one by the bed and one across from it. The bed was pushed sideways against the window, covered with white bedding that had beautiful light blue flowers over it. Next to the bed lay white nightstand. In a small corner of the room, there laid a dark-brown wooden desk with a lamp and a calendar above it. In another section of the room, there laid a dark-brown wooden dresser with a mirror above it.The walls were white planks with fairy lights plastered all around. The windows had a sheer lace curtain and then thick light blue ones. Then there was the closet, and the bathroom.

Cozy, I thought.

I began putting my clothes up. Shorts here, t-shirts there, sweatshirts over there. I put up my toiletries in the bathroom. Lastly, I took out the few items I had brought with me. I took out my phonebook and placed it on the desk. In that phonebook was the contact information of basically every friend and relative. I took out a few photos I had brought with me and plastered them up. I took out a snowglobe of the solar system and placed it on the bedside table. Lastly, I took out my camcorder and placed it on the dresser. I've recorded every summer since I was 10 years old. This summer was going to be no different, even if I only had two minutes of footage.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I put on my pajamas and laid under the cool sheets. I turned to face the window right next to the bed. I was lucky; it faced the sea and it was gorgeous. I could hear the waves crashing onto the shore as the smell of salt-water and vanilla drowned me. I was finally home.

♫ Chapter 2 Theme Song: deep in it - beliroz ♫

↳ hey readers! omg i want to live in obx like it lowkey seems like sm fun. i also love grandparent houses. like they are SOO cozy. am i the only one who hates minimalist grey or like super modern? like it's not terrible overall, but it's not my top choice for houses. like i understand it for a corporation, but a house?? but yk, your money, your house. anyways choose some jazz music for this chapter bc that is the vibe. jazz music is fire. anyways i hope you guys liked this chapter and i'll see you guys next chapter :)

Golden Secrets of Summer ✰ Rafe Cameron,Where stories live. Discover now