One Boring Summer

13 0 0

June, 2013


The last bell of the school year. I smiled and said goodbye to all of my friends as I made my way out to the bus.

I sat down next to my friend Emma.

"It's over!" she smiled.

"Finally." I agreed. "Summer break, here we come."

"You think you're going anywhere over break?" she asked.

"Nah, where am I gonna go?" I laughed.

Emma and I excitedly told each other our summer plans. Bracelet making, learning to surf, bike rides, and ice cream runs. My bus stop came and it was time for me to go.

"See you around Em." I smiled, getting off the bus.

I began to walk home as the sun burnt down on me. The plan: throw my backpack in a corner and go outside. As soon as I opened the door to quickly go back outside, I saw an odd sight. My mother.

Not to say she was odd, but her being home at this hour was odd. It was 3 and she gets off work at 6 most days. I slowly walked in, taking my shoes off and putting my backpack in a corner.

"Hey mom." I greeted, walking towards her.

"Hey sweetheart. Sit down, I have something to tell you." my mother said.

"You're putting me on the black market?" I smiled, taking a seat across from her.

She glared at me.

"Sorry." I cleared my throat. "Thought that was funny."

"No. I-I've thought about this a lot and.." she took a breath "and I think you should stay at your grandparents' house this summer." she said hesitantly.

"At the Outer Banks?" I asked.

"Yes." she nodded.

I simply nodded my head in silence as all of my summer plans left my mind.

"When do I leave?"

"Tonight. Eight o'clock."

"Why?" I asked, feeling as if I already knew half the answer.

"Well, y'know, I've been having a uh-hard time lately. And you and I haven't really been getting along too well, I just figured it would be better if you stayed somewhere else for sometime." she said, clearly trying to figure out what words to use.

"You don't wanna take care of your 'difficult' kid for the summer?" I asked, plainly.

"No, no, no. I just think it'd be better for you-"

"For you." I completed. "Alright, I'll get to packing. Thanks mom."

I walked up the stairs to my room and began packing my suitcase. What I had learned in a brief five-minute conversation was that my mom needed a break (from me), I'd be going to North Carolina for the summer, and that I could kiss all of my friends and ice cream runs goodbye.

Don't get me wrong, I love my grandparents. I love them more than my mom, which I can say shamelessly. But, I have no friends in the Outer Banks. Was I supposed to crochet all summer?

6:34 P.M.

I threw in the last of my clothing and shut my suitcase.

I hadn't told anyone I was leaving!, I mentally screamed

I rushed downstairs and out the door. I ran to Emma's house, which was about a block away. I knocked on the door and she opened it.

"Jenna?" she asked. "No one's meeting up till 7."

"I know." I sighed. "But I'm leaving. I'm not gonna be here the whole summer."

"I thought you weren't going anywhere?" she asked, concerned.

"Me too, but my mom just told me I'm going to North Carolina with my grandparents." I explained. "My flight is at 8."

Emma's smiley expression twisted into sadness.

"How will we talk to you?" she asked.

"We can write letters? Like the olden days." I laughed. "I have everyones' house phones too, I'll see if I can call you guys."

"Okay." she said, giving me a hug. "Have fun."

"I'll try." I said, hugging her back.

Emma's mom came to the front door with a phone in hand.
"Yeah, she's right here." she said, looking at me. "Jenna, sweetheart, your mom is looking for you."

I nodded. "Yeah, I gotta go."

"Be safe!" her mom called after me as I began to run home.

"Bye Jenna!"

6:40 P.M.

I entered the driveway to see my stuff already put in the back of the car.

"Can't wait to get me off your hands, can ya?" I smiled, getting inside.

"It's not like that." my mom defended her actions. "And I'd prefer it if you didn't go waltzing around the block five minutes before you have to leave for your flight."

"55 minutes. Boarding is at 7:35." I said plainly.

The drive to the airport was silent. I didn't say anything and neither did my mom. What was I going to say anyways? "Nice weather we're having!"

Soon we arrived and I took my stuff.

"You have your passport?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright, bye sweetheart." she said, ingenuity tainting her smile.

"Bye mom." I said, turning around, but turning back to face her. "For the record, I really hope you think I'm not that difficult."

I turned around and walked to the gates of the airport. By the time I turned around again, her car was gone and so was she. She was really in a rush, wasn't she?

I faced the gates of the glistening New York airport.

This was going to be a boring summer.

♫ Chapter 1 Theme Song: Chamber of Reflection - Mac DeMarco ♫

↳ hey readers! first chapter = done! omg i can't wait to write more. i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! leave your comments, i'd love to read them!

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